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Friday, September 4, 2009

Here is the advice that helped me to lose the weight!

This advice was posted by my trainer, Ahmad on Facebook today. It worked for me...so I wanted to pass it on to you!

Try daily to: do your cardio in your maximum heart rate zone(please don't ignore!), no starchy carbs after 1230pm, protein at every meal, smaller portions, cardio daily, and waiting 1 hour before eating once you finish your cardio, you will lose... fat in all the places you want...try for 5 days. Test the method with a tight outfit in your closet. Forget the scale!

Go here if you need help figuring out your maximum heart rate zone:

Working out in your personal zone is SO important. Have you noticed those folks always killing themselves on the treadmill or elliptical, but never losing weight? It's because they are not training smart...they need to stay in the zone...

Ignore this and end up like them... train smart, start doing your cardio in your Maximum Heart Rate Zone.


Trainer T.s Fitness said...

HI :-)
Sherlynn I can leave a comment woo woo..

I always do this and YES it makes a huge difference. I would much rather work smarter then harder.

However I need a HR monitor, I do it old school trainer way.
Thanks for sharing his link, your the BESTEST!

Sher said...

Woo hooo! You were able to leave a message!!! I need a HR monitor too! Ahmad really gave me the best advice out there....and it worked!