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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

7 days to Skinny Jeans

Let me guess… It’s 4pm and you’re sitting at your desk still recovering from a post-holiday sugar coma. Your favorite “skinny jeans” are tight. And you are trying to convince yourself you didn’t eat that many Sparkly Lemon Cookies. But you finally admit, “Maybe I did get a little boy crazy with the Gingerbread Men…” (Ha! You showed him.) Now the hunger pains set in. But you think (dramatically), “No! I’m not eating ever again!” False. Skimping on meals is not going to get you back in your skinnies any sooner. If anything, it will mess up your metabolism even more than your holiday binging. Rather, focus on eating nutritious, balanced meals and working out. It will help get your metabolism pumping and your body burning calories, which will have you back in your skinnies before you know it!

Here’s my 7 Days to Skinny Jeans Plan:

The Rules

  • Commit. Keep your eyes on the prize (a.k.a. those darn skinny jeans) and if possible, enlist a partner in crime. It’s always easier when you have a buddy for support!
  • Drink lots of water! At least 8-10 glasses a day.
  • Pick one exercise to do every day (save one day for rest).
  • Pick one meal from each category for each day.
  • Pick one snack for each day. (I like to have a snack between lunch and dinner, but the timing is really up to you.)
  • If possible, try to sneak in your exercise before breakfast. Otherwise, just make sure you squeeze it into your schedule. This is the important part!

Breakfast Options

  • Greek yogurt topped with walnuts, a handful of berries (or sliced banana) and a light drizzle of agave nectar
  • Steel cut oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of dried apricots, 2 tablespoons of slivered almonds and a splash of almond milk
  • Veggie omelet with a slice of whole grain toast (Click here for my favorite omelet recipe!)
  • Breakfast smoothie
  • Half an avocado stuffed with cottage cheese and a side of sliced tomato
  • Ezekiel toast topped with 2 sliced up hardboiled eggs served with half of a grapefruit
  • Breakfast Quinoa (Make a big batch and eat it for breakfast for a few days. It’s delicious!)

Lunch & Dinner Options


  • 1 medium apple with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 1 cup of red grapes and a low fat string cheese
  • ¼ cup of almonds
  • ½ cup of bran cereal (or Grape Nuts) with milk and a few berries
  • Raw veggies with 3 generous tablespoons of hummus
  • 1 hardboiled egg with a few whole-grain crackers
  • Celery with a tablespoon of almond butter and a few raisins

Exercise Options

  • 30 minutes of cardio (running, kickboxing, elliptical, swimming, step aerobics etc.)
  • 1 hour of yoga or Pilates
  • Intervals: run for 60 seconds, walk for 90 seconds (repeat 8 times)
  • Circuit: 100 jumping jacks, 20 crunches, 20 squats, 10 push ups, 25 bench dips (you can do this using a chair), 60 second wall sit, 60 second plank (repeat two times)
  • 1 hour hike with steady incline
  • Quickie: 20 lunges, 50 jumping jacks (or swap out jumping jacks for jumping rope for 2 minutes)
  • Semi-Quickie: 15 minute jog, 20 squats, 20 sit-ups

Sadly there’s no way to un-eat what you’ve already eaten over the holidays. But thankfully there is a solution: If you make a conscious effort to have healthier eating and exercise habits, your body will bounce back in no time! Be sure to follow this plan for seven days straight. It will be tough, you will be tempted and you will probably slipup a few times. Once you’re done, try to maintain this healthy lifestyle (but reduce your exercise regime to 3-4 times per week). I’ll be starting the plan tomorrow so we can all do this together.


Metabolism 101

Metabolism 101:

  • Eat frequent small meals spaced 2-3 hours apart (5-7 meals a day)
  • Drink ice water
  • Drink green tea
  • Do HIIT cardio
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Lift weights

^^ This is all you need to do!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sweet and Tangy Meatballs

Sweet & Tangy Meatballs

1 large bag of meatballs (or 2 small, you want about 12-14 meatballs per bag – I make my own because it’s hard to find gluten free meatballs)
2 jar grape jelly (I use Polaner’s all fruit spread – no yucky hfcs, artificial colors or sweeteners)
20 oz bbq sauce (Trader Joe’s is really good – again, no hfcs or other yucky ingredients)

Put everything into two gallon freezer bags, shake it up, seal, label and put in freezer. Instructions for Bag: Cook on low for 2-4 hours ‘til warmed completely. Serve over hot rice w/ a side of veges.

Sausage and Peppers

Sausage & Peppers

6 Italian Sausage (or chicken sausage)
2 green peppers
1 red pepper
1 large red onion
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 cans italian diced tomatoes
drizzle olive oil
1 Tbs Italian seasoning

Follow directions above, and put everything into two gallon freezer bags, shake it up, seal, label and put in the freezer. Instructions for Bag: Cook on low 8 hours, or grill. After cooking, serve over hot pasta or on hollowed out, buttered crusty bread.

The 7 Days Diet Meal Plan

Aim to lose weight and maintain it.

Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, you will need a doable diet plan.

How to use the 7 Days Diet Meal Plan

There are seven choices for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. You will need to select one of these seven. Make sure that you are eating a variety of different foods per meal, each day.

Tips to succeed on the 7 Days Diet Plan

Be organized

Eat at regular periods

Before lunch and dinner, drink a cup of water to which the juice of half a grapefruit is added

Do not eat in between meals (this meal plan already accounts for 3 meals and 2 snacks)

Do not eat before bedtime

Drink 80 oz of water per day to flush out toxins

Do not drink while eating.

Lose weight and keep it off without starving yourself.

The 7 Days Diet Meal Plan

Upon awakening (7 days diet meal plan)

Drink a glass of hot water to which the juice of half a lemon is

Breakfast (7 days diet meal plan for breakfast)

Muesli topped with blueberries, yogurt and almond milk
Blueberry smoothie
Poached egg (poach the egg in water with 2 tbsp of
apple cider vinegar)
Baked apple or pear (bake in the toaster oven 15 min.)
Goat cheese and whole grain crackers
Cooked oats, blueberries, and honey
Pain low-fat yogurt with oatmeal, and flax seeds

AM Snack (7 days diet meal plan for a.m. snack)

1/2 c applesauce
Handful of sunflower seeds
Mixed berry salad
Celery sticks

Lunch (7 days diet meal plan for lunch)

Tuna or chicken salad
Veggie wrap with hummus
Salmon pita with lettuce
Vegetable salad
Guinoa salad* or leftover wild rice
Vegetable soup
Green salad with goat cheese

PM Snack (7 days diet meal plan for p.m. snack)

Handful of almonds
1 rice cake with almond butter
Vegetable sticks with hummus
Cherry tomatoes
Handful of grapes
Yellow pepper or radish

Dinner (7 days diet meal plan for dinner)

Spaghetti with tuna sauce*
Wild rice with shrimps*
Veal scaloppinii tomato sauce*
Salmon fillet
Turkey or chicken breast
Pasta shells with rapini*
Stir fried chicken or turkey

With any two vegetables below

Steamed broccoli
Steamed cauliflower
Swiss chard
Baked sweet potato
Green salad
Green beans and pepper salad*
Mango salad*
Steamed zucchini
Butternut squash

Recipes for The 7 Days Diet Meal Plan

Rice Grapefruit Salad

3/4 c cooked wild rice
1 grape fruit peeled, diced
3/4 c cooked chicken
1/2 medium diced red pepper
1/2 medium diced green pepper
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp Celtic salt
black pepper
lettuce leaves to garnish

In a bowl mix together the wild rice, grapefruit, chicken, and peppers.
In a small bowel combine mayonnaise with apple cider vinegar. Pour the
mayonnaise over the wild rice and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place
lettuce leaves on a dish, ladle the rice over the leaves and enjoy it.

Spaghetti with Tuna Sauce

1 lb spelt spaghetti
1 can tuna in oil
1 chopped onion
2 tbsp capers
1 can plum tomato
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp Celtic salt
black pepper
chopped parsley
parmesan cheese
black olives, no pits

Bring a large covered pot of water to a rapid boil.

In the meantime, in a skillet sauté the onions until brown. Stir capers, tuna, and
red pepper flakes into the onions. Smash the capers with the back of a spoon.
Crush the plum tomato with your hands and add to the onion mixture. Season with
salt and pepper. Bring sauce to a simmer.

When the pasta water comes to a boil, stir in the pasta and cook until al dente.
Ladle the tuna sauce over the pasta, add the black olives, cheese, and garnish
with parsley.

Pasta Shells with Rapini

1 lb medium pasta shells
5 tbsp olive oil
4 cloves garlic sliced thin
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp salt
black pepper
1 large chopped rapini
fresh parmesan cheese

Bring a large covered pot of water to a rapid boil.

In the meantime, in a skillet sauté the garlic with the red pepper flakes until the
garlic is slightly browned. Add the rapini to the skillet and cover. Cook rapini until

When the pasta water comes to a boil, stir in the pasta and cook until al dente.
Ladle the cooked rapini over the pasta, add parmesan cheese, and garnish with

Veal Scaloppini with Tomato Sauce

1 veal scaloppini
Celtic salt
black pepper
3 tbsp oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 medium red pepper diced
2 cloves garlic sliced
1 can tomato
1/2 chopped onion
1 tsp oregano
chopped parsley

Pound the veal with a mallet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a skillet and
cook the veal. When done remove the veal.

In the same skillet sauté the onions until soft, add garlic and red pepper. Stir in
the tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, and apple cider vinegar. Cook for 20 minutes
Pour the tomatoes over the veal. Garnish with parsley.

Wild Rice with Shrimps

1/2 chopped onion
1 tbsp butter
1 c wild rice
5 c water
1/2 bag frozen shrimps
1/2 c frozen soy bean
coarse sea salt
1 vegetable bouillon cube
4 clove garlic sliced thin
1 tsp red pepper flakes
olive oil

In a sauce pan sauté onion in butter until brown. Add the rice and stir for two
minutes. Add the water, vegetable bouillon, salt, and soy beans. Cover the
saucepan and cook the rice until tender. Drain the rice. Keep the rice water for
cooking the shrimps.

Bring the rice water to a rapid boil and throw in the shrimps. Bring it to a second
boil, remove the shrimps.

In a skillet, sauté the garlic with the red pepper flakes until soften. Stir in the
shrimps, add salt and pepper to taste. Cook for three minutes. Remove the
shrimps and mix into the rice.

Green Bean with Red Pepper Salad

1 lb cooked green beans
1 diced red pepper
1/2 chopped onion
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
olive oil
1/2 tsp Celtic salt
chopped parsley

In a serving bowel combine the green beans, red pepper, and onions. In a
small bowel whisk the olive oil with the apple cider vinegar. Pour it over the green
beans. Add salt and pepper to taste, garnish with parsley.

Mango Salad

1 mango peeled and cubed
1 medium green pepper cubed
1/4 red onion sliced thin
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 c fresh lemon juice
Celtic salt to taste

Place mango, pepper, and onion in a bowel.

In a small bowel, whisk the lemon juice, ginger, and salt. Pour it over the
mango mixture.

Quinoa Salad

1 c quinoa
4c water
1 medium red pepper diced
1/4 chopped red onion
1 cucumber peeled, seeded, diced
1/3 c olive oil
1/3 c lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1/2 tsp sugar
Celtic salt to taste

Place quinoa in a strainer and rinse by running fresh water through it.

Place the quinoa in a pot of water, cover the pot and cook it for about 20 minutes.
Drain the quinoa and place it in a bowel. Add the red pepper, onion, and
cucumber. Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, sugar, and salt. Pour it over
the quinoa and mix.

Whole Wheat Pasta Salad

1 lb cooked whole wheat pasta (fusilli, penne, or macaroni)
1/2 medium chopped red pepper
2 carrots sliced thin
1/2 c frozen green peas
1/3 c olive oil
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp Celtic salt
black pepper
chopped parsley

Place pasta in a bowel. Add the red pepper, carrots, and green peas. Whisk
together oil, apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Pour it over the pasta
Garnish with parsley.


Monday, February 27, 2012

21 Home Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

What is it with headaches? While I'm no martyr, I have a reasonable threshold for pain--except when it comes to headaches. That nagging pain just seems to pierce right through my defenses, and frankly turns me into one heck of a grouch. And don't even ask what I turn into when a bonafide migraine sets in. Trust me, you don't want to know.

I used to get headaches all the time. Between me and my husband, it wasn't uncommon for us to go through a bottle or two of ibuprofen in a given month. Fortunately, changing our diet and lifestyle has taken care of most of those pesky head pains. But the problem is, we still reach for the ibuprofen when we get hit with the occasional headache (even though we probably only go through a bottle once or twice a year now). I don't really like using medication if I don't have to, but where do I find an effective natural remedy for headaches and migraines?

It occurred to me last week that this question could probably be answered best by my fellow health renegades, so I asked my Facebook fans what they do when a headache strikes. I was overwhelmed by the response this question received, and even remembered a few tricks I have up my own sleeve, so I thought this topic was more than deserving of an official blog post:

21 Home Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

1. Peppermint oil. Rubbed on the forehead, temples or back of the neck, peppermint essential oil has a way of dissolving headaches into nothingness.

2. Willow bark. Known as the natural alternative to aspirin, willow bark is actually what aspirin was originally made from. It contains the pain-relieving compound salicin, and is one of the most common natural remedies for headaches.

3. Take a nap. Ever notice how the world seems renewed after a nap? Sometimes just a simple power nap is enough for your body to reboot and squash your headache.

4. Eat something! Headaches are often a sign that you've gone too long without eating a balanced meal. In fact, my last headache is a good example: I'd gotten caught up in working and hadn't eaten in a while. Next thing you know, I had a raging headache pounding my brain. Needless to say, I couldn't work much after that. An ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure in this case!

5. Acupuncture. This increases blood flow to tissues and is shown in studies to prevent migraines.

Your Body's Many Cries for Water6. Water. Headaches can be a sign of dehydration. Sometimes drinking a tall glass of pure water is enough to stop a headache in its tracks. Staying hydrated is also a good way to prevent headaches from occurring in the first place.

7. Massage. A good massage improves circulation and is obviously relaxing, and it might be just what you need to melt away that headache. In any case, we all need more excuses to get a massage!

8. See a chiropractor. Being out of alignment can definitely give you head pain. Many report that regular visits to the chiropractor is highly effective for relieving headaches and migraines.

9. Feverfew. This herb has been used since ancient times to treat pain, including headaches.

10. Hot showers. As with a massage, I'm always up for an excuse to take a hot shower. I always feel more relaxed and rejuvenated afterward, which goes a long way in relieving headache pain.

11. Baltic amber necklace (milk and butter color). I don't know much about amber, but Health, Home and Happiness wrote an excellent post on it recently.

12. Acupressure. Not quite the same as acupuncture (no needles), one suggestion is to pinch the spot between your thumb and index finger. Gently increase pressure until there's a dull ache, then hold until your head pain subsides.

The Magnesium Miracle13. Magnesium. If you're deficient in magnesium, it could very well be the cause of your headaches and migraines. Correct the deficiency, end the migraines. And magnesium supplements can get rid of a headache that's already begun as well. Learn more about magnesium here.

14. Cold packs. Whether an ice pack or a cool washcloth, cold can definitely ease headache pain.

15. Yoga. The benefits of yoga include improved circulation, relaxation, healthy blood pressure, and heightened neurotransmitter levels. All of these combined make for a great headache remedy.

16. Cherries. Cherries contain the active compound Quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Users report that eating cherries or drinking cherry juice helps tremendously with headache pain.

17. Get outside. Let's face it: the air inside of our homes and other buildings isn't ideal. Fresh air is vitally important for health, as is getting adequate sunlight. A few minutes outdoors can be surprisingly refreshing, even enough to relieve your head pain.

18. DLPA. This supplement (a form of the amino acid phenylalanine), naturally increases dopamine levels, which can help ease pain of all kinds.

19. Salt loading. This one sounds interesting (haven't yet tried it myself), and has to do with detoxing bromide from the body. Read more about it here.

20. A cup of tea. Not only is a warm cup of tea relaxing, but a tea that uses herbs like peppermint or willow bark can also directly help reduce your headache pain. Green tea is also especially helpful, as it contains a small amount of caffeine, which some people find helps with headaches and migraines.

21. Eliminate the cause. This is more of a long term approach, but it's by far the most effective. Food additives like aspartame and MSG can cause migraine headaches. So can food allergies like gluten intolerance. Find out if your diet is causing your headaches, and you'll be on the road to real recovery.


What your cravings really mean

Here's a breakdown of what your cravings really mean:

Your body's lacking Chromium, carbon phosphorus, sulphur, Tryptophan.
You can get these from:
Broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, fresh fruit, beef, liver, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, cranberries, horseradish, kale, cabbage, turkey, sweet potato & spinach.

You need nitrogen.
You'll find this in:
High protein foods; fish, meats, nuts, beans.

Fatty snacks
You're lacking calcium.
Eat more:
Mustard, greens, dairy, legumes & sesame seeds.

Your body's craving phosphorous, sulfur & iron.
Try eating more:
Chicken, beef, liver, fish, eggs, dairy, red peppers, garlic, onion, sea salt, apple vinegar, seaweed, greens & black cherries.
Carbonated drinks
You need more calcium.
Mustard, broccoli, kale, legumes, dairy & sesame.
*If you crave a specific drink, this is an addiction, we'll talk about this later.

Salty foods
You need chloride.
Try and eat:
Goats milk, fish & unrefined sea salt.

Obviously this is a physical addition to nicotine, but you can ease cravings by eating more silicon & tyrosine.
Eat more:
Nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, green vegetables.

Put down the chocolate, zinc is what you need young lady!
Get your hands on some:
Red meat, seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables, marmite or bovril.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Freezer Cooking Meals

Moroccan Lamb, Italian Beef and Cranberry Chicken Freezer Meals

The menu I did recently was Moroccan Lamb Stew, Italian Beef Stew and Cranberry Chicken. A trick that I have learned, for an even speedier assembly of meals, is to group all ingredients first. Sometimes you have items that overlap, like chopped onions, that go into to different recipes. Just separate them out as much as you can, and then go down the line.

First, I assemble all dry ingredients and vegetables in the gallon bags. Then I add the raw meat last. This time I bought my meat already cubed, so that save me a bunch of time.

Doing my big cooking day this way (with only slow cooker meals), I do this about every two weeks. I do three different recipes and double each recipe for a total 6 bags of food. Each bag, is two dinners and lunch, so that leaves several days that we can use to eat out, or if I get inspired to cook something not in our freezer meal rotation, like a roast chicken.

Not including grocery shopping time, it takes me less than two hours to chop all the veggies, assemble the bags and clean up. Pretty awesome, right?! Here are the recipes, and remember we always buy all organic ingredients.

Cranberry Chicken:

2 medium apples, cut into wedges

1 medium onion, chopped

2 pounds chicken breasts or thighs

The juice of two lemons

2 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca

2 tablespoons honey

1 can of cranberry sauce (or you can use fresh cranberries if they are in season)

Dump everything into gallon freezer bag and label. When ready to cook, dump into slow cooker and cook on high for 4 hours. Serve with rice or couscous.

Moroccan Lamb Stew:

2 pounds boneless lamb

2 large onions chopped

1 can/1 cup chopped tomato

2 cups carrots

2 cups chicken broth

1 teaspoon of ground cumin

1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 teaspoon of red pepper

.5 cup of raisins

Dump everything into gallon freezer bag and label (except broth, just add that the day you cook it). When ready to cook, dump into slow cooker and cook on high for 4 hours. Serve with couscous.

Italian Beef:

4 pounds of beef sirloin or rump roast,cubed

1 tablespoon of Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon red pepper

1 teaspoon garlic powder

2 cups beef broth

2 red peppers, thinly sliced

Dump everything into gallon freezer bag and label (except broth, just add that the day you cook it.) When ready to cook, dump into slow cooker and cook on high for 4 hours. Serve with couscous, or on rolls to make a sandwich or even on a pizza and add some cheese.



Balsamic and Onion Pot Roast

Balsamic and Onion Pot Roast in the Crockpot
(Makes about 6 servings, recipe created by Kalyn.)

I used a standard 3 1/2 quart Crockpot for this recipe.

3-4 pound boneless chuck roast
1-2 T steak rub (I used Szeged Steak Rub.)
black pepper to taste
1-2 T olive oil (depends on your pan)
1/4 cup water to deglaze pan
2-3 large onions, peeled and thickly sliced
1 cup beef stock, reduced to 1/2 cup (can use a can of beef broth, but be sure to reduce it)
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar (I used Fini Balsamic Vinegar)
1/2 cup tomato sauce (You can substitute one can diced tomatoes, drained well. I might puree the tomatoes.)

Trim as much fat as you can from roast, and cut if necessary to fit into Crockpot. Rub meat well with steak seasoning and black pepper. Heat heavy pan with small amount of olive oil and brown roast well on both sides. This will take a few minutes; don't rush the browning step.

While roast browns put 1 cup beef stock in saucepan, bring to a boil and cook until reduced to 1/2 cup, then let cool slightly and mix in balsamic vinegar and tomato sauce. Peel onions and cut into thick slices. Deglaze pan with 1/4 cup water and add to sauce mixture.

(You can stop at this point and refrigerate browned roast, cut onions and mixed sauce ingredients and then put them in the Crockpot when you go to work in the morning. Don't refrigerate them in the crockery liner. Having the meat start out cold will add several hours to the cooking time, which will be good if you're cooking it all day while you're away.)

Place onions in bottom of Crockpot. Put meat on top of onions and pour beef stock mixture over. Set Crockpot to low and cook 6-8 hours, until beef is tender. The meat might be partly submerged in liquid after this much time. (If I am home, I might turn the meat once or twice.

Remove meat from crockpot and cover with foil to keep warm. Drain liquid from Crockpot and remove as much of the fat as you can with fat separator or skimmer. Cook down liquid by about 1/3, and serve sauce with meat and onions.

Note: If I wasn't making this for phase one, I might put some carrots in the bottom of the crockpot with the onions.


Freezer Cooking - Slow Cooker Meals

Fall is SUPER BUSY for me at work... and I typically get home late and don't have time to cook (Okay I'll admit it.. I don't FEEL like cooking! ) I LOVE using my crock pot and never thought about pre-assembling meals (until I found PINTEREST) that I could freeze & dump in the crock pot before I head to work in the A.M. There is nothing like coming home to a house that smells like you've been slaving away all day making a gourmet dinner, when in fact the crock pot has done all the work!

Andrew was out of town this weekend so I thought it would be the perfect time to experiment with this whole "Once A Month Freezer Cooking" thing I have read about on Pinterest.com. After some research, and some inspiration from mamaandbabylove.com 's Freezer Cooking poste...I narrowed it down to (5) meals that sounded good (or that I already make in the crock pot on a regular basis) and use them for my 1st experience with Freezer Cooking...

I chose the following:

Savory Vegetable Beef Soup (I make this 3-4 times a winter)
Teriyaki Chicken
Balsamic & Onion Pot Roast
Healthy BBQ Chicken *
from mamaandbabylove.com *LinkStephanie's Goulash *adapted from mamaandbabylove.com *

I printed all of the recipes and made my grocery list. Most of the main staples I had: basil, thyme, salt, pepper, Worcestershire, brown sugar, white sugar, olive oil, garlic cloves, balsamic vinegar, mustard and teriyaki sauce. If you don't have any of these you will need to add to the list below =)

*Please note that all "bags" are 2-4 servings* Adjust ingredients to increase or decrease serving sizes. I figured each of my freezer bags would be dinner plus lunch the next day.

My Grocery List:

Fresh Produce:
(3) Green Peppers
(1) Red Pepper
(1) Zucchini
(1) Red Onion
(1) Bag of Onions (you need approx 8-10 onions)
(1) Bag Potatoes (I bought Red) (You will need approx 14-16)
(1) Large Bag of Whole Carrots (Baby Carrots would work also if you don't feel like chopping- 2 bags of baby carrots would work) I got a bag of whole & a bag of baby.
(1) Bunch of Celery

4.5-5Ibs of Chicken Breast (I bought the HT Value Pack)
3-4Ibs of Beef Stew Meat (It was B1G1 at HT today!)
3Ib Chuck Roast (B1G1 at HT today!)
1-1.5Ibs of Ground Beef

Other Groceries:
(2) 20oz cans of Chunked Pineapple
(2) 15 Oz Cans Tomato Sauce
(2) 6oz Cans Tomato Paste
(1) 28oz Can Diced Tomatoes
(1) pack of v8 juice (I buy the 6 pack of cans)
(1) small box Tapioca (I had no clue where to find this in the store-- It's right above the pudding/jello at HT) =)
(2) Boxes Beef Broth (I buy low sodium)
Steak Rub (I bought grill mates in the spice aisle)
(1) bag egg noodles
(1) Bag Frozen Cut Green Beans (you will need 2 cups)

AND DON'T FORGET TO BUY A BOX OF GALLON FREEZER BAGS! I used 8 for this go around...

Okay... Once you get everything home leave it all out on the counter and admire what you are about to do!

First I labeled all of my Freezer Bags with a permanent marker. I wrote on the bag todays date, the meal name and the instructions for the day I will make it. (some of the meals will need beef broth added, water added, sour cream added etc.. so I made note on the actual bag what I needed to do so I don't forget!) I also notated on my bags if the dish was supposed to be served over rice or egg noodles etc..

Teriyaki Chicken (2 Bags)
Savory Vegetable Beef Soup (2 Bags)
Healthy BBQ Chicken (2 Bags)
Stephanie's Goulash/Beef Stew (2 Bags)
--I made the Balsamic & Onion Pot Roast immediately so I won't include this in the instructions, I will post the recipe at the bottom. =)

Next... I started CHOPPING VEGETABLES! (It's not as bad as it sounds!)
As I chopped I placed the correct amount in each bag. (I started with ALL the onions, then did peppers, then potatoes... (see below for instructions).
I lined up all of my freezer bags across the counter and just dumped the correct amount of veggies for each recipe in the respective bags (see below). I never measure anything so I just guesstimate!

After I had the veggies chopped and distributed I tackled the meat... for this round of freezer cooking I only had to cook the ground beef for the vegetable soup... the chicken & beef stew meat stay raw.

For the ground beef.. take (1) chopped onion and (2) chopped garlic cloves and brown them together. If you are feeling super savy you can let the beef brown while you are chopping the veggies! Let cool, instructions below on how to finish.

For the chicken, I washed & trimmed it and left (4) of the breasts whole (for the teriyaki chicken) and the other (4) I cut in half just because I felt like it (for the healthy bbq chicken).

I trimmed the beef stew meat of any fat and also cut it down into smaller cubes.

After placing the meat in the correct bags I added the spices and remaining ingredients.

Here is how it broke down per bag..

Teriyaki Chicken (2 Bags)
  • Split a large bag of Baby Carrots between the 2 bags
  • Cut Red Onion into Large Chunks and split between the 2 bags
  • (1) 20oz can pineapple in each bag (undrained)
  • (2) Garlic Cloves chopped per bag
  • (2) Chicken Breasts in each bag
  • 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce in each bag
*Add 1/4 cup teriyaki sauce to mixture. Cook on HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours. Serve over Rice.

Savory Vegetable Beef Soup (2 Bags)
  • Chop (1) Onion and Chop (2) Cloves of Garlic- Brown in Pan with the Ground Beef- once cool divide mixture between bags
  • (2) whole carrots chopped per bag
  • (2) celery stalks chopped per bag
  • (3) Red Potatoes chopped per bag
  • (1) can v8 split between bags
  • (1) 28oz can diced tomatoes SPLIT between bags
  • (1) cup frozen green beans in each bag
  • (1/2)TBSP Worcestershire per bag
  • (1/2) cup Beef Broth per bag
  • (1) TBSP Parsley per bag
  • (1) tsp Basil per bag
  • 1/2 tsp Thyme per bag
  • (1/2) tsp salt per bag
  • (1/2) tsp pepper per bag
  • (1) TBSP Sugar per bag
*Place in Crockpot with 1.5 cups of water and 15 oz Beef Broth. Cook on LOW 8 Hours.

Healthy BBQ Chicken (2 Bags) * from mamaandbabylove.com *
  • (2) Green Peppers Cut into Slices split between 2 bags
  • (1) Red Pepper Cut into Slices-split between bags
  • (1) Zucchini Chopped and split between bags
  • (3) Onions Chopped and split between bags
  • (6) Red Potatoes Chopped and split between bags (you can also use Sweet Potatoes)
  • (4) Garlic Cloves Chopped & Split Between bags
  • (4) Chicken Breasts Split between bags (I cut each breast in half again)
  • (1/2) TBSP Quick Cooking Tapioca per bag
  • (1) 15 oz can of Tomato Sauce Split Between bags
  • (1) TBSP of Brown Sugar per bag
  • (1) TBSP Worcestershire per bag
  • (1) TBSP Mustard per Bag
  • (1/4) tsp Salt per bag
Cook on HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours. Serve over Rice or Egg Noodles.

Stephanie's Goulash/Beef Stew (2 Bags) *adapted from mamaandbabylove.com *
  • (1) Green Pepper Chopped split between bags
  • (1) Chopped Onion per bag
  • (2) Carrots Chopped per bag
  • (2) Chopped Garlic Cloves per bag
  • (3) Ibs Beef Stew Meat Split Between Bags
  • (1) 6oz can Tomato Paste per bag
  • (2) tsp Paprika per bag
  • (1/4) tsp Black Pepper per bag
*Cook for 4 hours on HIGH or 8 hours on LOW in a slow cooker. Add (1/2) Cup of Sour Cream about 10 minutes prior to serving. Serve over Egg Noodles.

Once ALL INGREDIENTS are in freezer bags push all of the air out of them and seal. Lay bags flat so they freeze flat. Stack in Freezer... once they are frozen you can re-arrange to best suit your freezer space. Take meal out of freezer the night before you want to put it in slow cooker so it thaws a bit.

Here is the Balsamic & Onion Pot Roast Recipe... I went ahead and made it for dinner instead of freezing it: http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2007/01/how-to-make-pot-roast-in-crockpot.html

There is a TON of shredded beef leftover... I will probably make the leftovers into Sandwiches or Beef Enchiladas later in the week!

Since all of the meals are in the freezer... freezing... as I cook them this month I will let you know what I think of the taste (I guess I should say that I will let you know what the husband thinks of them!!)

If anyone else happens to try them let me know what you think!

If you have any questions about this post let me know.. Being my first time doing this it might be a bit hard to follow... I tried to translate it best I could from what I actually did today in the kitchen!

Thanks for reading and Good Luck!


Broccoli Cheese Bites

16 oz. package of frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and drained of liquid (I used fresh steamed broccoli)
1 1/2 cup of grated cheddar cheese
3 eggs
1 cup of seasoned Italian breadcrumbs

Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.

With your hands, form small patties and lay on a parchment lined baking sheet.

Bake at 375F for 25 minutes, turning the patties after the first 15 minutes.

Let cool and enjoy!


Healthy Snack Idea

Healthy Snacks for Every Attack Low-fat vanilla yogurt (½ cup) with 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin plus a pinch of pumpkin pie spice 114 calories, 1g fiber, 6g protein, 2g fat

Broccoli Quiche

2 cups of whole wheat flour (I used spelt here)
.25 cup of olive oil
.5 cup of cold water
Zest of one lemon
1 head of broccoli, chopped
4 oz. of cheese, grated (I used Lovera's Hand Formed Caciocavera - but you can use anything you like here)
5 eggs
.25 cup of greek yogurt
Salt and pepper

You can mix this by hand with a fork, in a bowl, or use a food processor using the following steps: Combine the flour, lemon zest and 1 tsp of salt. Mix in the 1/4 cup of olive oil (drizzle and mix at the same time). Then slowly add your water while mixing (note: I didn't need the full 1/2 cup) until the dough sticks together. On a lightly floured surface roll your dough out to about 12" - lift and put in a pan (I used an 8" square pan). Poke holes with a fork into the crust. Stick the pan / crust into your freezer as you preheat your oven to 375F. When oven is heated cover the pan / crust with parchment paper and place on the center rack for 10 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 5 minutes. Remove from oven and turn the heat down to 350F.

Layer your grated cheese onto the cooked crust. Layer your broccoli on top of that. Mix your eggs, yogurt, salt and pepper in a bowl - when combined pour, evenly, on top of your broccoli. Stick the pan, uncovered, back into the oven for 35 - 45 minutes at 350F. You will know it's done with the egg mixture is cooked through.

This recipe serves 4 people.
Ingredients in green are local.


Celery Soup is NOT Boring

Celery Soup Is Not Boring
1 can of cannellini beans (drained and rinsed)
1 can of roma tomatoes (or fresh if you can find them)
1 stock of celery, chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 medium / large yellow onion, chopped
2 tablespoons celery salt
Maybe some pepper
Olive oil
Parsley for garnishing

In a large soup dish, saute your chopped onions in 2 tbs of olive oil over medium heat. After a few minutes add your garlic and chopped celery. Let cook until translucent and soft.

Add your chopped roma tomatoes (with liquid) and celery salt. Let the tomatoes simmer in a little. Then add your beans and 2 cups of water or so. Let all of this simmer together for about 10 minutes. Taste for seasoning and add more salt and pepper as needed.

Serve in a bowl and top with parsley. Serves 4.


20 Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas

Snacks take the edge off, keep blood sugars stable, prevent overeating at meals, etc., etc., etc. Make your snack high in fiber and include some protein. This will keep you feeling full longer.

Here are some ideas…

#1 Cored sliced apples with peanut butter, oats, nuts, and chocolate chips

#2 Tofu spinach dip with raw veggies

#3 Low-fat cottage cheese with fruit spread and unsalted pretzels

#4 Tortilla chips and chunky salsa

#5 Raw veggies and ranch dip

#6 Chocolate pudding (Kozy Shack is my fav) and a banana (for dipping)

#7 Unsalted peanuts and raisins

#8 Graham crackers with light cream cheese and sliced red grapes

#9 Ants on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins)

#10 Half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread

#11 Small salad with light dressing

#12 Half of a tuna melt on whole wheat English muffin with cheddar cheese

#13 Homemade trail mix with Puffins cereal, nuts, dried fruit, dark chocolate chips

#14 Small bowl of bran flakes with 1% milk and blackberries

#15 One cup of Greek yogurt with sliced mango and a sprinkle of Grape Nuts

#16 Smoothie – mango with mango Greek yogurt and a splash of orange juice

#17 Two hard boiled eggs with Kashi crackers (salt and pepper and some hot sauce)

#18 Cheesestick and 1 cup of red grapes

#19 (Leftovers) Small veggie quesadilla with black beans, sweet potato, scallions, cheese, and (scrambled eggs – optional)

#20 Pineapple cilantro popsicles

My personal favorites….

#5 Raw veggies and ranch dressing

#13 Homemade trail mix with high fiber cereal, dried fruit, peanuts, pecans, and dark chocolate chips!

#1 Cored and sliced apples with peanut butter, chopped pecans, oats, and chocolate chips

#16 Fruit smoothie with frozen mango, mango Greek yogurt, and a dash of orange juice

#9 Ants on a log…still so good


Oatmeal Smoothie

All the nutritional benefits of oatmeal and fruit can be enjoyed in this simple, healthy smoothie.
Mad Hungry, April 2011
  • Yield Serves 2-4
Add to Shopping List


  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup plain lowfat yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup coconut water (or other liquid, such as juice)


  1. Place ice and raspberries in the bottom of blender, and all other ingredients on top. Whir until completely smooth. Serve.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Grilled Chicken Burrito

Poultry Burrito


  • 2 chicken breasts, sliced into strips
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 2 whole-wheat tortillas
  • 4 tablespoons green enchilada sauce
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat shredded cheese (Mexican blend)
  • 1 cup salsa, divided
  • 2 tablespoons shredded lettuce
  • 2 tablespoons fat-free sour cream (optional)
  • Cilantro, chopped


Season sliced chicken with cumin and chili powder and sauté over medium heat in nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray. Remove from skillet.

Heat whole-wheat tortillas in skillet for one minute on each side. Remove from heat and place each tortilla on a plate. Pile sliced chicken on each tortilla and top with equal amounts of enchilada sauce, cheese, salsa, lettuce, sour cream and cilantro. Roll each tortilla and enjoy.

Mexican Buffalo Burgers

Burger Recipe


  • 1 pound ground buffalo meat
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon chili powder
  • 4 leaves romaine lettuce
  • 4 slices tomato
  • 4 whole-wheat hamburger buns


Put meat in a large mixing bowl and add salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and chili powder. Mix gently. Form meat into four patties. Grill burgers until cooked to your liking or cook on a nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray. Place burgers on buns and top with lettuce and tomato.

Healthy Meatballs



  • 1 pound ground turkey or lean ground buffalo
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoon sugar-free barbecue sauce (salt and pepper works, too)
  • Cooking spray


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Mix all ingredients and roll into 1-inch balls. Place on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Bake for 10 minutes, flip the meatballs and bake for another 10 minutes. Serve with your favorite spaghetti sauce



  • 1 (15-ounce) garbanzo beans (chick peas), drained
  • 1 teaspoon bottled, minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon tahini (sesame seed paste) or all-natural peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup plain, non-fat yogurt (try Greek yogurt, which has more protein)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • parsley to taste
  • McCormick Red Curry Powder to Taste
  • cayenne pepper to taste


Add first five ingredients to a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Add spices and blend again. If you want, you can omit the tahini or peanut butter and substitute it with another tablespoon of non-fat yogurt. Use in place of egg yolk in a hardboiled egg, like deviled eggs.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Popeye Smoothie

Prep time: 5 mins | Cook time: none | Serves: 1
Calories: 195 | Fat: 0.5g | Protein: 24g | Carbs: 26g | Fiber: 3g

1/2 cup frozen peach slices
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 (7-ounce) container fat-free
plain Greek yogurt
(may use regular yogurt)
1 cup fresh spinach leaves
1 cup diet sweetened iced tea
(diet green tea beverages
are the best!)

1. Place all ingredients into a blender.

2. Pulse a few times to roughly chop
the frozen fruit before blending until
drink is entirely smooth, about 1 minute.
Serve immediately.

Spinach is loaded with vitamins, minerals,
and antioxidants, which truly makes this
smoothie a knockout. When you combine
the spinach with the peaches and pineapple,
this recipe gives you 3 of your 5-9
recommended fruit and vegetable servings
for the day.

“Although this smoothie’s color can easily give away the fact that it is
loaded with a boost of healthy spinach leaves, I promise you that the frozen
peaches and pineapples that are blended in as well make this a delicious
treat that truly tastes nothing like it looks.”

Pumpkin Black Bean Soup

“Pumpkin and black beans may not seem like the perfect match, but this
soup will definitely prove otherwise. Savor it on a winter’s coldest days.”

Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 30 mins | Serves: 8
Calories: 235 | Fat: 4.5g | Protein: 10g | Carbs: 42g | Fiber: 10.5g

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 yellow onion, diced
3/4 cup diced celery
3/4 cup diced carrots
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup red wine
3 (15-ounce) cans black beans,
drained and rinsed
1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin
1 (15-ounce) can diced
4 cups low-sodium
vegetable broth
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon hot sauce

1. Heat olive oil in a large pot over
medium-high heat.

2. Add onion, celery, and carrots to the
hot pan and sauté until vegetables have
softened. Add garlic and sauté 1 additional

3. Pour red wine over vegetables in
the pot and let simmer until the wine has
reduced by about half.

4. Add all remaining ingredients and
bring up to a boil. Reduce heat to low
and let simmer 25 minutes.

5. Season with salt and pepper to taste
and serve hot. For a smoother consistency;
puree the finished soup using a
hand-held blender or cool slightly before
transferring to a regular blender in small
batches. Return to the heat and bring
back up to a simmer before serving.

Pumpkin is extremely high in antioxidants
and beta-carotene., which can help
regenerate cells in the body. This effect
makes it a great “age reversing” food. It’s
smooth and thick consistency is a great
way to naturally thicken dishes like this

Blueberry and Zucchini Bars

Prep time: 25 mins | Cook time: 40 mins | Serves: 24
Calories: 145 | Fat: 1g | Protein: 3g | Carbs: 32.5g | Fiber: 2g

Nonstick cooking spray
1 large egg white
1 cup apple sauce
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 cups grated zucchini
1 pint blueberries

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray
two 9x9 inch baking dishes with nonstick
cooking spray. You may also use silicone,
muffin, brownie, bar, or mini loaf pans.

2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together
egg white, apple sauce, vanilla extract,
and sugar.

3. In a separate mixing bowl, combine
flour, wheat flour, salt, baking powder,
baking soda, and cinnamon.

4. Add dry ingredients to the wet
ingredients, stirring just until all is combined
and a batter is formed.

5. Gently fold zucchini and blueberries
into the batter and then divide equally
between the two greased baking dishes.

6. Bake 35-40 minutes, until a toothpick
inserted into the center of the bars
comes out clean. Let cool 15 minutes before
cutting each dish into 12 bars. Serve
warm or at room temperature.

Zucchini is a great source of folate, potassium,
and vitamin A. At only about 25
calories each and the ability to quickly
absorb flavors, zucchini make wonderful
“fillers” to help you bulk up any dish with
very little caloric or flavor impact.

Chris Freytag 10lb Xtreme Eating Guide

Skillet Lasagna

Craving the taste of a delicious lasagna but don’t want to wait for it? Here is a quick and easy way to make a flavorful meal for 6!


  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 small onion (chopped)
  • 3 Cloves Garlic (minced)
  • 1 can low sodium diced tomatoes (undrained)
  • 1-1/4 cup water
  • 8 oz Classico tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley flakes
  • 1 tsp dried basil leaves
  • 1 tsp dried oregano leaves
  • 2-1/2 cup broken up whole wheat lasagna noodles
  • 1 cup fat free cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup fat free grated Parmesan cheese
  • Dash Basil and Pepper (optional)
  • 2 egg whites
  • Shredded fat free mozzarella cheese for garnish


  1. In a large skillet, brown beef with onions and garlic and then drain.
  2. Add tomatoes, water, tomato sauce, parsley, basil and oregano.
  3. Stir in uncooked pasta. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until pasta is tender.
  4. Combine cottage and Parmesan cheeses. Mix in the egg whites. Sprinkle in basil and pepper to taste.
  5. Drop cheese mixture by rounded tablespoons onto pasta mixture. Cover and cook for 5 minutes more. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella and serve.

Serves: 6

Approximate nutritional analysis per serving: 296.8 calories, 30 grams of protein, 32.6 grams of carbohydrates, 7.1 grams of fat, 14.7 grams of fiber, 437 mg of sodium.


Homemade Leftover Coffee Smoothie

Feeling like coffee in the morning but want a smoothie too? Maybe you want a snack that is also a pick-me-up! Try this delicious blend of freshly brewed coffee mixed with a ripe banana and topped with some sweet.


  • 1 cup of coffee chilled
  • 1 TBSP honey
  • 1/2 banana cut into chunks
  • 1/2 cup of Original Silk Soy Milk (or skim milk)
  • Packet of Splenda (optional)


  1. Blend the milk, coffee, frozen or fresh bananas and two ice cubes until there is a smooth texture.
  2. Taste to see if it is to your liking, add the sugar or honey and blend until desired. Add water if necessary for consistency.
  3. When possible, chill the leftover coffee before making recipe.

Serves: 1

Approximate nutritional analysis per serving: 164 calories, 4.6 grams of protein, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 2.2 grams of fat, 2 grams of fiber, and 66.5 grams of sodium.


Boot Camp Weight Loss Plan

Boot Camp Weight Loss Plan - No Carbs after 3pm

Part of the Boot Camp regime is to write down what you eat & drink everyday.

For Maximum Weight Loss, you should have No Carbohydrates after 3pm. Fat burning requires long periods of time with low blood sugarso eating low-carb after 3pm gives your body this needed time and optimal body chemistry.

So for Extreme Weight Loss, don't eat these after 3pm:
No bread
No rice
No potatoes
No beans
No corn
No pasta
No cereal
No bananas
No melons
No grapes or raisins
No pineapple
No sugar
Just eat protein and veggies after 3pm.

The Boot Camp staff also suggests these for faster weight loss:
Eat immediately after the Boot Camp session when your cells are most receptive to taking in fuel. Most of your meal will go to your muscles and not to your waist...

If you drink caffeine
, drink it before Boot Camp. Caffeine is a powerful ergogenic aid which means it will help you burn more fat work harder and have better performance overall.

*Eat nuts in very small quantities before a meal to curb your appetite.

*Don't drink empty calorie beverages. Get all your calories from good healthy food

*Avoid Alcohol. It lowers your metabolism.

*Keep a daily food log to get the best results from your efforts. When you track what and when you are eating you get a more complete profile of how your training is effected by your food intake.

*Drinking Green Tea may help boost your metabolism & help to burn fat. Its also full of antioxidants.

*Get lots of Sleep. Adequate makes it easier to eat right and helps your muscles recover faster

Boot Camp Nutrition Priorities:
*Eat Often. Every day eat 3 meals plus 3 snacks. Eating every 3-5 hours is best for your blood sugar metabolism energy levels and fat-burning.

*Eat Light. Eat only enough to support your energy needs til your next meal or snack.

*Eat unprocessed foods. Choose Organic Whole Foods from nature.

*Eat Protein. Getting Protein at every meal will help maintain lean tissue elevate metabolism and keep hunger at bay.

What to Eat - Whole Natural Foods from Nature
*Veggies: Eat them raw steamed grilled roasted or otherwise without adding oil or butter. Eat Lots!

*Fruits. Eat all kinds but avoid fruit juice or dried fruit because they are too calorie dense.

*Lean Meats & Proteins. These will help you hang onto your lean tissue as you lose fat. Serving size is the palm of your hand.

*Low-Fat or Non-Fat Dairy. If you digest dairy well its a convenient way to get some protein & nutrients.

The Good Carbs: Whole Grains, Beans & Starchy Vegetables.

Eat small amounts of low glycemic carbs, since every cup is about 200 calories. You need at least some carbs in your diet, since your brain uses about 450 calories per day.

Nuts Seeds Healthy Fats Eat in small quantities. Research shows that people tend to lose more weight & keep it off, if they consume 1/4 cup of nuts per day.

Killer Boot Camp No No's List - Foods to avoid at all cost during Boot Camp:
Bacon & Sausage (unless lean turkey)
Butter Margarine & Mayonnaise
Whole Milk Cream Creamy Soups Dressings ESP. Caesar Salad Dressing
All Cheese unless low fat
All Sweets Cookies Cakes Candy
Croissants Scones & White Breads
Fast Food & Fried Foods
Ice Cream Milk Shakes & Frozen Yogurt ( unless fat & sugar free)
Lamb & Veal
Movie Theater Popcorn