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Friday, December 30, 2011

Difference between White and Brown Rice

What’s really the difference between brown rice and white rice? Is one that much better for you?

Yes. White rice (and many other white grains) has been processed to remove the bran and germ layers (the nutritious part) and has six times LESS fiber than brown rice. Brown rice also has plenty of B vitamins, iron and essential fatty acids. Not only that, but researchers note that women who eat more whole grains (like brown rice) tend to weigh less.


14 Easy Weight Loss Tips

Who said that weight loss is difficult? It can be an easy process if you make it easy. The tips below will help you make weight loss easy as one, two, three.

1. A basic principle of weight loss is to eat the right foods in the proper quantities. Among the best food types to eat that can help you lose weight easy is fresh fruits. Try keeping a bowl of fresh fruits on the kitchen table and refrigerator. This way you will keep remind yourself about which foods are good for you.

2. Full fat foods are bad
. Saturated fats found in many foods can only add to your weight and cholesterol. In addition once fat is accumulated in the body it is very difficult to go away easily. Check your daily diet and exclude foods that are rich in saturated fats and replace them with foods rich in fiber and proteins.

3. Keep a distance from food buffets. When you dine out in a restaurant or when in a party try to stay away from the food table. This will make it easier for you to resist the temptations. Visit the food table only once and try to control the portions of the food you put in your plate.

4. Salads are good. When you are having a three course meal then make sure that you start with a green salad (no dressings). Eating the salad first will reduce your hunger and food consumed during your main course.

5. Serve your food into smaller plates and try to eat only the food portion on that plate. Avoid going for a second or third round. By doing this for a long time you will eventually ‘teach’ your stomach to eat less.

6. Prefer barbecued fish, poultry and other lean meats instead of fried beef or pork. Always avoid fried food and clean the fat from meat before cooking.

7. The easiest way to avoid unhealthy snacks is not to buy them. If you are careful on what you buy from the supermarket then you will minimize the temptations at home and the risk of eating unhealthy snacks. Try to stick to your shopping list and nothing more. This will save you money and calories.

8. If you expect to be away from home for many hours you can prepare in advance some healthy snacks to carry with you. This will eliminate all excuses for eating unhealthy food or snacks.

9. Get active and exercise at least twice a week. Exercise and movement can help you lose weight fast by accelerating your metabolism. You do not have to burn out in the gym, you can do any exercise that you like and enjoy. If you are a beginner you can start with easy exercises like walking and as you become more experienced you can get involved with more difficult exercises including strength training exercises.

10. You need to learn when to stop eating. By eating your food slowly and chewing it good you give enough time to your stomach to send the message to your brain that you are no longer hungry. Once you get this feeling you should stop eating and get away from the table. If you are eating in a restaurant you can ask the waiter to bring you only half the portion and the other half to prepare it for takeaway.

11. Vegetables can accompany all your food and you can also eat them as snacks. They are very low in fat, sugars and calories,

12. You need to learn when to eat. Eating is a necessary process and is the only way to provide your body with fuel. Nevertheless you should provide your body with fuel only when it asks for it and not because you have nothing else better to do. Do not eat out of custom but only when you are hungry.

13. You need to understand the following statement: “The more muscles you have the easier is to lose weight”. Find ways to increase your muscle mass and you will see that losing weight will become an easier and faster process.

14. Build your own calorie reducing strategy. This means that you should lay out a plan for gradually reducing your daily calorie intake. Make food substitutions from your diet, avoid foods with a lot of calories and prefer low calorie drinks.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stomach Flu and What to eat!

What is stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)?

Stomach flu is a viral infection that affects the stomach and small intestine. The illness is usually brief, lasting 1 to 3 days. Stomach flu is caused by a different virus than the Influenza viruses which affect the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). Learn about respiratory tract flu here.

How is it transmitted?

Stomach flu is caused by swallowing certain viruses. Infected people can spread the virus through their secretions, sometimes even before their symptoms begin. The virus can be spread by direct contact with an infected person (for example, kissing or shaking hands) or by sharing food, drink, or eating utensils. The virus enters the stomach and intestine and inflames the lining of these organs. As a result, the stomach and intestine are temporarily unable to perform their usual functions. The virus can also cause food to move more rapidly through your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Some bacteria and other tiny organisms called protozoa can cause infections that have symptoms similar to those of viral gastroenteritis.

What are the symptoms?

When you have stomach flu, you may have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea (liquid stools)
  • Low-grade fever
  • Muscle aches

The illness may develop over a period of hours, or it may suddenly start with stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea.

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How is it diagnosed?

Your medical provider will review your symptoms. She may examine you and order lab tests to rule out more serious illnesses, such as appendicitis, and to detect complications, such as dehydration. If you have been in a foreign country or environment with poor water or sanitation conditions, tests for parasites or other infections may be done.

How long does the stomach flu last?

Stomach flu rarely lasts longer than 1 to 3 days. However, it may be 1 to 2 weeks before your bowel habits return completely to normal. Contact your medical provider (Brown students can call Health Services at 401.863-3953) if:

  • You have been vomiting for more than a day
  • You have had diarrhea for over 3 days
  • You have bloody stool
  • You have a fever over 101 F (38.3 C)
  • You feel very light-headed

How is it treated?

The most important thing to do is to rest the stomach and intestines. You can do this by first eating nothing and drinking only clear liquids. A little later you can eat soft bland foods that are easy to digest. Give your stomach rest from liquids for 2 hours after vomiting. You may suck on hard candy, a Popsicle or ice chips after 2 hours. Then take small, frequent sips of liquids every 10 to 15 minutes.

Drinking too much at once, even an ounce or two, may cause more vomiting. Your choice of liquids is important. If water is the only liquid you can drink without vomiting, that is okay. However, if you have been vomiting frequently for a long time, you must replace the minerals, sodium and potassium, that are lost when you vomit. Ask your medical provider what sport drinks or medical products could help you replace these minerals. Other clear liquids you can drink are weak tea, bouillon and apple juice. You may also drink soft drinks without caffeine (such as 7up) after letting them lose some of their carbonation - go flat. Chilling the liquids may help you keep them down. Avoid liquids that are acidic (such as orange juice) or caffeinated (such as coffee) or have a lot of carbonation. Do not drink milk until you no longer have diarrhea.

Avoid ibuprofen and aspirin as these may make your symptoms worse if taken on an empty stomach. If you have fever, take 2 regular strength (325 mg each) acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 hours.

You may start eating bland foods when you have not vomited for several hours and are able to drink clear liquids without further upset. Soda crackers, toast, noodles, applesauce, and bananas are good first choices. Avoid foods that are acidic, spicy, fatty, or fibrous (meats, coarse grains, vegetables) and dairy products. See below for a recommended diet progression.

Sometimes treatment includes prescription medicine to prevent nausea and vomiting or diarrhea. Nonprescription medicine, such as floperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol), is available for the treatment of diarrhea and can be very effective. If you use it, make sure you use the dose recommended on the package. Pepto-Bismol can turn tongue and stools black - a harmless and transient side effect. Imodium will not cure the diarrhea. It acts as a chemical cork while the diarrheal process (water loss from the body into the intestine) goes on. It is useful primarily if there is a period of time when it is necessary to avoid using the toilet.

Dehydration is a potentially serious complication of stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis). It can occur if your body loses too much fluid because you keep vomiting or having diarrhea. If you are severely dehydrated, you may need to be given fluids intravenously (IV).

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Gastroenteritis Diet

Foods to avoid entirely until you are feeling better:

  • No spicy or fried foods
  • No alcohol
  • No caffeinated beverages because they dehydrate your body
  • No dried peas or beans
  • No raw or dried vegetables or fruits (except bananas)
  • No whole grain breads, cereals, or bran
  • No milk or milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, or creamed soups)
  • No nuts, seeds, coconut, popcorn

Suggested progression of a diet as you recover:

Step 1:

  • Jello
  • Clear soups or bouillon
  • Sprite and Vernors (stir it to take out the fizz)
  • Diluted apple or cranberry juice (not orange juice)
  • Gatorade or Kool-Aid
  • Water/ice chips
  • Popsicles
  • Hard candy
  • Plain saltines
  • Decaffeinated tea with honey/sweetener
  • Tomato Juice (not V-8 Juice though)

Step 2:
Anything from Step 1 plus:

  • Applesauce
  • Bananas
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Plain pasta, rice - without butter, margarine or sauce
  • Refined cereals, such as Rice crispies, puffed wheat, puffed rice, corn lakes, Cream of Wheat, Farina, Cream of Rice
  • Toast (white or light rye bread) with jelly (not jam, butter or margarine)

Step 3:
Anything from Steps 1 or 2 plus:

  • Broiled or boiled lean meat, white poultry or fish
  • Poached or boiled eggs
  • Well-cooked vegetables and fruits without seeds or skins
  • Sherbet or sorbet

When food from one step is tolerated, go to the next step. Progression through the steps may be rapid from one meal to the next as you feel better. Most people are back to a normal diet in 2 to 3 days’ time. If you find that any particular food aggravates your system or makes your condition worse, eliminate this food. In general, avoid dairy products, spicy foods and red meat until other foods are well tolerated for several days.

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How do I take care of myself?

Rest your stomach and intestines by following the guidelines, but make sure you prevent dehydration by drinking enough liquids. Drink just small amounts frequently during the vomiting phase of your illness.

What can I do to prevent it?

The single most helpful way to prevent the spread of stomach flu is frequent, thorough hand washing. Also, avoid contact with the body fluids of an infected person, including saliva (shared cups, utensils, etc.).

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Drink Water to Lose Weight

Drink Water To Lose Weight

You should try to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Water is the safest, cheapest and most effective weight loss supplement on the market today. I myself drink a gallon of water a day. It's very important that you drink at least 64 ounces of water a day and here's 4 reasons why...

1. Water Lowers the Amount of Fat Stored in your body
Water helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase! And an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits!

Here's the reason why...

The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it cannot work at full throttle.

As a result, it metabolizes less fat... more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops!

Over weight people need more water than thin people. Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism... it follows that the over weight person needs more water to metabolize excess fat.

Water helps rid the body of waste. During weight loss, the body has more waste to get rid of, and all that metabolized fat must be shed.Again water helps flush out this waste!

2. Water curbs hunger.
Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Insufficient fluid can lead to over eating. You brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. If there there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving for water. In another word, when you think you are hungry, your body may in fact telling you that you are thirsty! As most food contains some water, if you don't drink enough water, you may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply and as a result, you gain more calories and more weight!

3. It replaces sugary drinks.
A half-cup of fruit juice contains between 45 and 80 calories. Sodas, sugary drinks, shakes are all contain calories. By drinking them, you would be adding considerable number of calories. On the other hand water has zero calories. So, to replace sugary drinks and cut down on your calories, keep a glass of water in your hand and sip it instead of grabbing a mixed drink or any other type of drink.

4. Water boosts your metabolism. The findings are reported in the December issue, 2003 of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The researchers Michael Boschmann, MD, and colleagues from Berlin's Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center tracked energy expenditures among seven men and seven women who were healthy and not overweight. The subjects, after drinking approximately 17 ounces of water, increases the rate of burning calories by 30% within the time frame of 30-40 minutes. If a person who increases his water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately 5 pounds.Increase metabolism means increase the calorie burn and fat loss. This is how you can achieve fat loss by drinking water.

You should try to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Water is the safest, cheapest and most effective weight loss supplement on the market today. I myself drink a gallon of water a day.

Lose 5 Pounds of Water Weight in 7 Days
Here's a recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...
Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water and...
Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice and...
Add dandelion root and...

    Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and...You Drink the 60 ounces every day for 7 days and...
This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around and...
If you are unable to do this simple plan to lose 5 lbs. in 7 days...
Quick weight loss tips ...

Take Caffeine

Taking moderate amounts of
Caffeine can boost your metabolism by 6% and... Caffeine increases your testosterone & HGH Levels before you workout to help you burn more fat plus...

Caffeine gives you more energy to help you workout longer & harder making you burn more fat faster.

Vitamin C
helps suppress the belly fat storing hormone called Cortisol - Good sources of Vitamin C include most citrus fruits like Oranges, berries, tangerines and red peppers.

Eat Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are good sources of selenium and helps support your thyroid and... Your thyroid is responsible for a big part in the way your body burns fat and...

Brazil nuts contain zinc which helps your body produce a hormone called leptin that makes you feel full so you won't overeat and gain any weight.

Eat Garlic

Garlic helps boost your testosterone levels which not only increases your sex drive but more importatnly...Testosterone helps you maintain lean muscle mass helping you shed body fat.

Buy Organic

Inorganic foods contain toxins that will only make you fatter by slowing down your metabolism while on the other hand... Eating organic foods will help you lose weight or at the very least help you maintain your weight and...

Here's more stuff that'll help you get rid of water weight...

To naturally get rid of excess water weight quickly...
Limit your salt or sodium intake to only 1500mg a day so you won't retain any fluid (water weight) and for an extra weight loss boost...
Lower your salt intake to 500mg for only a few days (usually no longer than 2 days) to shed those water pounds quickly and...
The main high sodium foods to avoid are: canned, frozen, processed, & packaged foods and...
Drink 2 liters of distilled water each day to flush out the excess water weight you're carrying around now - Distilled water is basically PURE water with no salt or minerals in it.


Bad Foods

Bad Foods

Foods you must STOP EATING RIGHT NOW when trying to lose weight are...

You need to stop drinking regular & diet sodas. Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water... you could lose up to 50 pounds in one year.

Replace coffee with a natural fat burner like green tea because while coffee increases stress and stress causes the (releasing of the fat gaining cortisol hormone) and... Coffee increases your appetite making you eat more causing you to gain fat but...

You can drink the natural Green Tea fat burner, lose more weight, and still get your caffeine fix for the day - *Green tea only has about 10% the amount of caffeine found in coffee and...

AVOID snacks such as potato chips, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc. The ingredients in these foods make you want to eat more and the companies who make these snack foods know you'll stay addicted to them (even after you gained lots of weight eating their snacks) also these foods contain a lot salt & sugar and too much salt & sugar causes you to gain water weight making you look fatter than you already are and...

Heres a list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight...

  • All Fast Food
    • Hamburgers, French fries, Onion Rings, Breaded Chicken sandwiches
  • Table sugar
  • Jelly and Jams (to much sugar)
  • refried beans (added fat and calories)
  • All breads made with enriched bleach flour
  • white potatoes
  • All Candy
  • Honey
  • Regular or diet Sodas
  • Fruit juice
  • canned fruit (they have added sugar)
  • fatty cuts meat (has higher calories due to fat content)
  • Puddings (added sugar)
  • Cakes (enriched flour)
  • All baked goods made with white enriched flour
  • Pasta made with enriched bleached white flour
  • Canned fruits (added sugar)
  • Most packaged cereals
  • Alcohol
  • All bagged snacks like Potato chips, cheetos, fritos and pretzels
  • All desserts
  • white rice
  • whole milk, 2% milk (both lot of calories due to fat content)
Of course there is a lot of foods out there that are not good to be eating when trying to lose weight but so you can catch the one's not on this list if any of the foods you are about to eat has any of the following ingredients try to avoid them as much as possible so you can turn your body into a fat burning machine instead of a fat storing machine!!!

  • corn syrup
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • enriched white bleached flour
  • enriched bleached wheat flour!!


Good Foods

Good Foods

Over 200 foods that'll help you lose weight fast!!

All whole grain or unprocessed foods
Any fruits or vegetables - How fruits & veggies burn fat
Oatmeal - How oatmeal prevents your body from storing fat
Plain popcorn (no butter lightly salted)
Brown rice
Wild rice
Whole Wheat or Whole Grain breads
Wholegrain cereals
High fiber breakfast cereals like All Bran and Fiber One
Plain oatmeal
Shredded wheat
All Beans
Sweet Potatoes
Pastas made with wheat like Macaroni or Spaghetti
Buckwheat / Buckwheat pasta
Any vegetables

Green beans
String beans
Brussels sprouts
Dandelion greens
Dill pickles
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
Kidney Beans
Mustard greens
Parsley leaves
Pinto Beans
Parsnips (raw/boiled)
Peppers (green/red)
Pickles (sour/sweet)
Water Cress
Any Fruits
Honeydew melon

High Protein foods that help you lose weight...
Any lean cuts of meats
White meat or Poultry
Protein Shakes
Any Legumes
Most fish & any seafood
Raw Almonds
lightly Cashews
lightly peanuts
Bass (fresh water/sea)
Steaks with fat trimmed off
Beef (range-fed or game)
Lean Chicken breast (skinless)
deli Turkey breast
Skinless Turkey breast
deli Turkey
Egg whites
Egg beaters
Soy products
Leanest cuts of Beef like Red round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin and chuck shoulder and arm roasts.
Leanest cuts of pork like pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham.
Well-trimmed Leg of lamb
Top Round Leg cutlet or Chop cuts of Veal
Cornish hen
Pistachio nuts
Natural peanut butter
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds

Quick tip: try to get at least 35% of your total calories from protein because several studies show that those who do... lost twice as much weight as people who ate less than 15% of their calories from protein!!
Your body burns the most calories when digesting protein.

Below are the Good Fats that help you burn fat...

Omega-3's - See how Omega-3's help you burn fat
CLA - See how CLA helps you lose belly fat
Olive Oil

Below are Low-fat dairy products that help you lose weight...
Low fat yogurt
Low fat cottage cheese
Low fat cheese
Low-fat/non-fat sour cream

Spices that increase metabolism...
Hot peppers
Bay Leaves
Cayenne peppers
Hot mustard
Curry Powder
Jalapeno Peppers
Habanero Peppers
Chilli Peppers
Chili Powder
Cayenne Peppers
Thai Peppers
Ginger (Turmeric)
Bell peppers


Monday, December 26, 2011

Indulge your Sweet Tooth

When I feel like enjoying a sweet snack, I don't dive into a carton of processed ice cream with ingredients I don't recognize and can't pronounce.

Processed foods such as candy, chocolate bars, ice cream, cakes, cookies and pies are like sludge for your digestive tract. Any ingredient your body doesn't recognize is not going to move very quickly through your system; It will only be adding to your toxic load and can promote digestive problems, including constipation.

As well, many processed foods are nutrient-void. You might be getting a megadose of macronutrients (carbs and fat), but you certainly won't get the micronutrients that help you thrive, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

If you crave sweets and refined carbs there are a variety of possible reasons, but one of the most common reasons is a lack of good-quality complex carbohydrate sources. If you eat processed foods, your brain will literally crave nutritients, and you will not be satiated until you eat something that is nourishing. That's why so many people never feel satisfied and end up polishing off an entire tub of ice cream.

A list of nourishing, satisfying foods to banish your sweet cravings after the jump.

Try incorporating these foods more often, in place of processed sweets:

  • Roasted or steamed sweet potato with cinnamon and organic butter
  • Berries with organic full-fat yogurt (or coconut kefir), cinnamon, raw honey
  • Whole-grain crackers with nut butter and cinnamon
  • Apple slices with almond butter
  • Goji berries, pumpkin seeds and raw cacao nibs (raw chocolate)
  • Cooked quinoa, sliced apple, raisins, cinnamon, and almond milk
  • Smoothies: There are a variety of smoothie recipes on That's Fit, many of them ideal for a sweet tooth
  • Avocado, raw cacao powder, raw honey: avocado chocolate pudding
  • Gluten-free lemon poppy seed loaf with some nut butter
  • Raw chocolate bar bites

Please keep in mind that these snacks should be part of a wholesome, balanced diet. If you still eat frozen pizza, fast food and other junk foods, adding the foods mentioned above to your diet isn't going to do a heck of a lot if you don't make some other positive changes.

As well, eating sweet is connected to emotional eating, and it is important to also address this aspect if you find you are craving sweets at the same time every day, when stress hits or at certain times of the month. A helpful way to track what might be going is by keeping a food and a life journal together. This can help you identify certain emotions with your cravings and help you better understand yourself. Self-awareness is key to overcoming cravings.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Eating Soup for Weight Loss

Eating a broth-based soup before your main meal could help you eat fewer calories overall.

Eating soup can help you lose weight by increasing fiber and curbing your appetite. But not all soups are smart for those of us watching our weight. And how do you make soup into a meal that won't leave you ravenous in an hour? Here are some smart tips on eating soup for weight loss:
  • Vegetable soup is virtually an ideal appetizer to help you lose weight. Most varieties contain 100 calories or less per serving. Plus, vegetables contain lots of fiber, which helps you feel full (and thereby prevent overeating) when you consume it before your meal.
  • To make pre-prepared soups heartier and even more nutritious add frozen or canned vegetables or beans. Remember, additional fiber will help you feel fuller longer.

  • For a stick-to-your-ribs dinner, make your own bread bowl. Simply purchase ready-made large whole-grain rolls (or mini loaves) at your local bakery or grocery store, hollow them out and fill with soup. (This is also really tasty with chili. My pick is Amy's Low Sodium Vegetarian Chili.).

  • Choose tomato- or broth-based soups often. If you're really in the mood for a creamy variety, use water or fat-free evaporated milk instead of whole milk during preparation. Check for reduced-fat versions (I think my favorite, the 98% fat-free version of cream of chicken soup, is almost identical to the regular version.).

  • If you get bored with the soups you normally keep on hand, don't be afraid to try something new. Pick a variety at random at your next shopping trip. Or, combine two different varieties you already have together for a new flavor experience. Be sure to check out frozen soup varieties at your grocery store; you're sure to find a new and unique variety.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Zucchini Basil Soup

Zucchini Basil Soup

Creamy and delicious, simple and fresh. Add a glop of Greek yogurt blended with PURE unflavored when isolate protein to make this a complete meal.

1 medium onion, diced

2 garlic cloves, chopped

2 pounds small zucchini, trimmed and cut crosswise into chunks

2 tablespoons olive oil

4 cups chicken broth - Swanson Natural Goodness has excellent flavor

1/3 cup loosely packed basil leaves

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cook onion and garlic in olive oil in a heavy saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, 5 to 7 minutes, until tender. Add zucchini and 1 teaspoon sea salt and cook, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes. Add broth and simmer 15 to 20 minutes, until tender. Puree soup with basil in 2 batches in a blender or food processor (use caution when blending hot liquids).

Season soup with salt and pepper. Serve in shallow bowls with Greek yogurt.

Makes four 1 1/4 cup servings

Calories 202, fat 4g, carbs 9g, protein 4g

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pumpkin Pancakes



    Preheat Grill 300 degrees

    Mix all ingredients using a blender. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water to thin it out. Drop pancake mixture on electric grill and cook at 300 degrees. When pancake mixture starts to form bubbles, flip the cakes over to grill the other side. Serve with sugar-free syrup and spray butter.

    Servings: 1


Saturday, December 10, 2011

WW Points Plus Taco Casserole


  • 1 pound ground skinless chicken breast
  • ½ cup onions, chopped
  • ½ cup bell peppers, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 package taco seasoning mix
  • 8 ounces taco sauce
  • 1 cup fat-free sour cream
  • 1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
  • 1 cup low-fat tortilla chips, whole or broken up
  • 1 cup low-fat cheddar cheese, shredded
  • ¾ cup salsa, for garnish (optional)


Heat oven to 400 degrees. Spray cooking spray on bottom of a 2-quart casserole dish; set aside. In a skillet, cook chicken, onion, peppers, and garlic clove until tender. Add seasoning mix and taco
sauce; set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine sour cream and cottage cheese; set aside. Place half the broken chips in the bottom of casserole dish. Add meat mixture to cover the chips, then cover the meat with sour cream mixture. Sprinkle with cheese and remaining crushed chips. Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until cheese has melted. Top with ¾ cup salsa, if desired.

Defeating the Midnight Munchies

Panic Button: Defeating the Midnight Munchies

It's late at night and you're in the throes of a snack attack! Here's how to deal.
Panic Button Midnight MunchiesPanic Button Series Cap

The problem
Help. It’s midnight, I can’t sleep and I just want to snack. How can I stop the nighttime munchies?

The solution
Nighttime munchies are a scourge that has affected every dieter at one time or another — knowing how to successfully deal with late-night cravings is one of the keys to effective weight loss. No matter how good you have been during the day, something hits you at night, usually around 10 p.m., and you must eat, NOW.

Milton Stokes, a registered dietician and a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, offers some helpful strategies to help you control your late-night snacking urges. Surprisingly, he says, the best way to help avoid the nighttime munchies is to make sure you eat breakfast and lunch.

Snack-proof Tips

Here are some things you can do to stop the midnight snacking:
  • Make sure you eat a good breakfast and lunch.
  • If you feel like snacking, have a big glass of water first
  • Stay busy — a lot of nighttime eating is sparked by boredom. There are some great novels and films out there. Or, go for a nighttime ramble with the dog.
  • Keep PointsPlus value friendly snacks, like low-fat popcorn or rice cakes, handy for those times when you just have to treat yourself. To cure that crunch craving, try baby carrots.

"Establish regular meal times and patterns," says Stokes. "Erratic schedules and skipping meals, especially breakfast, set you up to overeat later in the day. I liken breakfast to fuel for a car. While we are able to run without proper fuel for a while, at a certain point each of us would 'crash' and start scarfing down any food within sight. That's when nighttime snacking comes in."

It's also important to understand the difference between true, physical hunger and emotional hunger or boredom. The urge to late-night snack usually comes from the latter and not the former.

"If you aren't physically hungry, then you may need to explore simple deterrents to eating," Stokes suggests. "One of the best is brushing your teeth and using a strong mouthwash. That will make anything you eat afterward taste bad. You can also go for a short walk, call a friend, answer email, organize your desk or just sit alone quietly for 10 minutes. Usually if you wait a few minutes, this desire to eat may subside. Lastly, you may just be thirsty. Thirst is easily confused with hunger. Have a sugar-free beverage and call it a night.”

However, if you are actually physically hungry, you should eat.

"Depriving yourself of food when you’re truly hungry can lead to binge eating later on," Stokes warns, "which is much, much worse than simply having a nighttime bowl of cereal."

Stokes also recommends a rice cake with a little cashew butter on it, a small apple with a slice of low-fat cheese, a cup of yogurt or even a handful of mixed nuts. (Just don't eat the whole jar.)

If, after all this, you just can't stop the night munching and you're waking up in the middle of the night and snacking, you might be suffering from a rare eating disorder called night eating syndrome. Albert Stunkard, MD, professor of psychiatry at the weight and eating disorders program at the University of Pennsylvania, sheds some light on this unusual condition.

"Night eating syndrome is characterized by overeating during the evening and waking at least three nights a week to eat," says Stunkard. "The evening overeating has to be at least 25 percent of the daily caloric intake after supper, and there has to be a minimum of three nighttime awakenings during the week. It's important to distinguish these awakenings from binges. The average caloric intake of a nighttime digestion is 280 calories, which is not a binge by any means."

If this describes you, then you should consult your physician. Treatments include a form of anti-depressant that works through serotonin, a neural transmitter, and cognitive behavior therapies.


Spicy Chicken Curry Soup


  • 1 tablespoon peanut oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1/2 carrot, peeled and diced
  • 1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon green curry paste
  • 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cubed
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1/4 cup chopped green onions


  1. Heat the oil in a medium pot over medium heat. Stir in the garlic and carrot, and cook 5 minutes. Mix in 1/4 the coconut milk. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Mix in curry paste. Place the chicken in the pot, and toss to coat.
  2. Reduce heat to low, and pour in the chicken stock. Cook until heated through. Stir in remaining coconut milk, lime juice, and green onions. Continue to cook and stir at least 10 minutes before serving.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Losing Weight with Chia Seeds

What are chia seeds? What we know as chia seeds are the seeds from the Chia plant, which is a member of the mint family of plants. They do not have a minty taste, in fact they don`t taste of much at all. The benefits of chia lie in its nutritional value; it`s high in omega-3 fatty acid,

has plenty of fiber, and is abundant in various other vitamins and minerals. It can be added to just about anything you want to eat: salad, smoothies, deserts or savory foods. And that`s not all; chia can actually help you lose weight.

How to lose weight with chia seeds? Firstly, all of the nutritional value in chia seeds will result in a healthier body, and therefore more energy. It`s quite easy for someone who is slim and full of energy to go for a run in the morning, but for an overweight person who feels fatigued all the time, the prospect of getting out of bed earlier than necessary is quite daunting. Chia is abundant in omega-3 oils, protein, calcium, soluble and insoluble fiber, and antioxidants, and adding it to your diet will feed your body with nutrients that it may otherwise lack. Better health equals more energy which equals more desire to expend energy.

Also, one of the unique things about chia is its ability to soak up water. If you mix one part chia seeds with nine parts water, and leave it for about fifteen minutes, you`ll get a mixture with a gel like consistency. It has little taste, but plenty of nutrients. It also is very filling because of the amount of expansion. Furthermore, the chia gel slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the system, so you stay satisfied for longer, without peaks in blood sugar. Feeling full for longer, without peaks and lows in energy, will certainly lead to weight loss.

Finally, the chia running through your system acts like a broom, cleaning out your intestines as it goes on its way. This helps clean the body of toxins, as well as food stuff which may be slow to pass through, like meats and dairy. Even if you eat healthily on a day to day basis, there may still be remnants of unhealthy food in your system from past bad food choices. A cleaner body is a body that can send clearer signals; you may find that you won`t get so many cravings for chocolate, pizza and ice-cream because your body is cleaner and just doesn`t desire such foods.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/025583_chia_food_weight.html#ixzz1g2cXaqU4

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pomegranate Smoothie

Sweetness and nutrition in a single smoothie!

Serves 2

  • 1 cup berries (such as raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries)
  • ¼ cup pomegranate juice
  • ¼ cup water
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup ice
  • Optional: A little bit of Stevia, maple syrup, or honey, if you want it sweeter


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!
