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Monday, November 28, 2011

How to lose 30 lbs in a month

It is entirely possible to lose 30 pounds in a month if you are obese or have a large amount of weight to lose. While this will not work as well if you are just slightly overweight or are working on your last 20 or 30 pounds, a substantial initial weight loss is important to kick-starting a healthy lifestyle and plan for losing a large amount of weight. Just remember that before you make any drastic changes to your lifestyle, you visit your doctor to make sure that you are physically capable of what you are going to achieve and can do so safely. This is especially important if you are diabetic, have a heart condition, or any other serious medical condition.

Guidelines For How To Lose 30 Pounds In A Month

Stop Eating Simple Carbohydrates
Most fad diets these days involve some sort of carbohydrate restriction, and for one very good reason: most of the unhealthy processed foods that make up such a large portion of our diets are filled with empty carbohydrates in place of proper nutrition. The first step toward your goal to lose 30 pounds in 1 month is cutting these foods completely out of your diet.

This means that for at least the next 30 days, you will not be eating any pasta, bread, sugar, candy, rice, ice cream, or any other food that contains high levels of starch or simple carbohydrates. Certain vegetables, including potatoes and beets, which are high in starches and sugars, must also be eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight quickly.

There are many reasons for this sort of initial carbohydrate restriction. There is the need to initially break the addiction to these foods, which can be quite powerful, but there is also the fact that carbohydrates do not produce the same satiety signals in the body that proteins and healthy fats do. This makes it easy to overindulge on carbohydrate-rich foods and consume too many calories. Since most of these calories also contain little in the way of good nutrition, your body can do just fine without most of them. You absolutely cannot lose 30 pounds in a month without doing this.

Eat Lots of Green Vegetables
While you will not be eating any simple carbohydrates during your 30 days of weight loss, that does not mean that you will not be eating any carbohydrates at all. In fact, carbohydrates are a necessary macronutrient that your body needs in order to function properly.

In place of the white flour and sugar that you were eating in the past, you are instead going to eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables in pretty much unlimited qualities. When eating these vegetables, you will get full long before you eat enough calories to gain weight. This list includes just about any salad green you can think of, cucumbers, celery, pickles (be careful of sodium and sugar), broccoli, cauliflower, and other fiber-rich vegetables.

Note: I said that you could have the vegetables in unlimited quantities. The same is not true of salad dressing, which is frequently loaded with sugar. A little bit of salt, pepper, olive oil, and a dash of lemon juice is all that is needed to make these salads palatable enough to help you lose 30 pounds in a month.

Choose Lean Protein Options
Protein is also a vital macronutrient, and makes up the building blocks of our bodies. However, not all proteins are created equal. Some of them contain much higher levels of saturated fat than others. For example, it goes without saying that beef brisket is a much fattier cut of meat than chicken breast.

Part of the problem stems from how food animals are raised, which is frequently on a diet of corn in a feedlot that is designed to make them put on weight as fast as possible so they can reach your plate in as short a time as possible. When you are trying to lose weight, however, the choice of meat is very important.

Lean cuts of meat are best, namely lean sirloin, tenderloin, chicken breast, and fish. Fish are an excellent choice, as are grass-fed meats, because of the much higher percentage of omega 3 fats that they contain. These healthy fats are good for your health and can aid in weight loss.

Do Not Drink Any Calories
One of the major stumbling blocks for many people who are trying to lose 30 pounds a month is that they do not want to give up their sugary beverages, juices, and soft drinks. Because there is no chewing involved, people tend to forget that these beverages are filled with calories and sugar. They also do not produce any satiety signals in the body, so you can’t feel full after drinking them.

In order to lose 30 pounds in one month, these beverages absolutely have to go. Instead, drink water as much as you want. If you need tea or coffee in the morning, feel free to have a few cups, but do not add any cream or sweetener. Actually, the caffeine can help you work out harder if you have it 30 minutes or so before you exercise.

Cardio, Cardio, Cardio
When it comes to an immediate calorie burn, which is exactly what we are looking for as we work to lose 30 pounds in a month, it is hard to go wrong with cardio. In fact, you should feel free to do as much cardiovascular exercise as you can handle without injuring yourself. Just make sure to speak with your doctor first, especially if you have any serious medical problems.

When you are doing your cardiovascular exercise for weight loss, you may have heard that it is the same breaking it up into short sessions throughout the day as it is doing it all at once. Unfortunately, that is only true to a point. In order to get a substantial “afterburn,” in which your body continues burning extra calories after you finish exercising, you have to exercise for at least 30 consecutive minutes. For the kind of substantial weight loss that we are looking for here, aim for two 30 minute cardio sessions per day five days a week.

Do A Wide Range of Exercises
The problem with cardiovascular exercise is that even though it helps you to lose weight quickly, it can get boring even more quickly, especially if all you do is spend your time on a stationary bike or a treadmill. What you were once driven to do can quickly become tedious, monotonous, and even dreadful.

Your body will also adjust to the same workout routine every day, and can potentially “plateau,” in which it is no longer burning the same amount of calories it once did because it has adapted to the exercise you are doing. While this is not likely to happen right away, if you are serious about wanting to lose 30 pounds in a month, you will want to change it up frequently. Swimming, walking, running, and bicycling are all great cardiovascular exercises.

In addition to cardiovascular exercise, you will also need to engage in some strength training in order to prevent your body from burning up muscle mass to fuel your cardiovascular workouts. Again, you will want to engage in a wide range of exercises and work with your doctor to determine the best plan for you.

Be Disciplined
This is going to be the hardest part of all. You need to make a commitment to yourself to follow through with the lifestyle changes that are necessary for weight loss. People who slip and cheat a little have a tendency to get depressed and start binging, but you have to resist that urge. If your willpower wanes and you slip a little, stop what you are doing and work harder to do the right thing from that point on. Out of all the weight loss tips we can offer you, this one is the most important. What’s done is done, and the important thing is making the right choices each moment. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on, doing the right things. You can lose 30 pounds in a month if you are dedicated and make the necessary effort.

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