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Monday, December 26, 2011

Indulge your Sweet Tooth

When I feel like enjoying a sweet snack, I don't dive into a carton of processed ice cream with ingredients I don't recognize and can't pronounce.

Processed foods such as candy, chocolate bars, ice cream, cakes, cookies and pies are like sludge for your digestive tract. Any ingredient your body doesn't recognize is not going to move very quickly through your system; It will only be adding to your toxic load and can promote digestive problems, including constipation.

As well, many processed foods are nutrient-void. You might be getting a megadose of macronutrients (carbs and fat), but you certainly won't get the micronutrients that help you thrive, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

If you crave sweets and refined carbs there are a variety of possible reasons, but one of the most common reasons is a lack of good-quality complex carbohydrate sources. If you eat processed foods, your brain will literally crave nutritients, and you will not be satiated until you eat something that is nourishing. That's why so many people never feel satisfied and end up polishing off an entire tub of ice cream.

A list of nourishing, satisfying foods to banish your sweet cravings after the jump.

Try incorporating these foods more often, in place of processed sweets:

  • Roasted or steamed sweet potato with cinnamon and organic butter
  • Berries with organic full-fat yogurt (or coconut kefir), cinnamon, raw honey
  • Whole-grain crackers with nut butter and cinnamon
  • Apple slices with almond butter
  • Goji berries, pumpkin seeds and raw cacao nibs (raw chocolate)
  • Cooked quinoa, sliced apple, raisins, cinnamon, and almond milk
  • Smoothies: There are a variety of smoothie recipes on That's Fit, many of them ideal for a sweet tooth
  • Avocado, raw cacao powder, raw honey: avocado chocolate pudding
  • Gluten-free lemon poppy seed loaf with some nut butter
  • Raw chocolate bar bites

Please keep in mind that these snacks should be part of a wholesome, balanced diet. If you still eat frozen pizza, fast food and other junk foods, adding the foods mentioned above to your diet isn't going to do a heck of a lot if you don't make some other positive changes.

As well, eating sweet is connected to emotional eating, and it is important to also address this aspect if you find you are craving sweets at the same time every day, when stress hits or at certain times of the month. A helpful way to track what might be going is by keeping a food and a life journal together. This can help you identify certain emotions with your cravings and help you better understand yourself. Self-awareness is key to overcoming cravings.

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