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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Filling Food to Speed Weight Loss

Filling Food to Speed Weight Loss

Learn which foods fight hunger by keeping you feeling full longer.

It's the dieter's worst enemy — that gnawing hunger when you're trying to eat less and lose weight.

But fighting off those feelings of hunger could be as simple as a walk to the nearest soup and salad bar for lunch. Here's how you can make food choices that will keep you feeling full and help prevent the hunger pangs that lead to diet-busting snacks or binges.

Food Strategies For Losing Weight

If you want to feel full all day on less food, focus on these eating strategies:

  • Get enough lean protein and fiber. A study of 22 men who changed the amount of protein in their diets for 18-day periods showed that those who ate the least protein were the most likely to report being hungry. "Protein is the number one thing to help you feel full," says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at Houston Northwest Medical Center. "The second thing is fiber."

  • Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Researchers tracked the weight-loss success of 71 obese women between 20 and 60 years of age on a low-fat diet. Half of the women were also told to increase their fruit and vegetable intake. At the end of one year, both groups of women had lost weight, but the women who ate the most fruits and veggies reported the greatest weight loss and were less likely to say they felt hungry on any given day. In fact, when the researchers crunched the data, they found that whether the women reported feeling hungry frequently predicted their ability to lose weight. Other studies have shown that changing your eating habits to focus on these water- and fiber-rich foods will help you maintain weight loss for up to six years.

  • Sip soup. Adding two low-calorie soups to your diet every day could stave off hunger pangs and keep you satisfied longer. Choose soups that are broth-based, not cream-based, to reduce the calorie count; also look for soups that are low in sodium. Consider chunky, pureed vegetable soups, as they have been shown to produce the most lasting full feeling. Timing your soup so that you have it before a meal also reduces the amount you eat at that meal by about 20 percent, according to a study of 53 overweight adults.

  • Eat whole grains. A serving of whole grains will stick with you longer than a serving of refined wheat bread or any other refined flour product, for that matter. Most refined flour is white and often bleached.

  • Pick "airy" snacks. If you must snack and you don't have a piece of fruit or a veggie tray on hand, choose the snack food that has more air in it — think cheese puffs instead of potato chips, rice cakes instead of cookies. You will feel just as full as you would if you ate the same serving size of another snack, but you will consume fewer calories on average.

Another way to fight off hunger is to develop a "low-energy density" eating plan. This means that you can eat a large quantity of foods that do not have a high calorie count. Learning about portion sizes and counting calories is one way to approach this, but you can also try the plate method, which dictates that half your plate be full of veggies, one-quarter dedicated to a starch (preferably whole grain), and one-quarter to a lean protein.

And speaking of plates, it's worth noting that a study of 45 adults demonstrated that the oft-repeated advice to eat on a smaller plate if you want to feel like you have more food in front of you actually has no effect on the amount you eat at a meal (if you are serving yourself) or your feeling of being full.

So, if you prefer, you can go back to eating on your good china — just make sure to emphasize lean proteins, fruits, and veggies.


Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

Healthy Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

Inspired by this recipe on Chocolate Covered Katie

Makes ~3 servings

3 medium or large frozen* bananas

1 1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, lightly packed, or to taste (I thought this was just right, but start with less if you prefer and add to your preference)

1/4 cup semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips or I used Organic Trader Joe's Unsweetened Cocoa powder

*To freeze bananas, simply peel the banana and place it in the freezer in a plastic bag or glass container.

Coarsely chop your mint leaves and cut your bananas into small chunks. Put the almond milk, bananas, milk, and mint leaves in a blender. Blend until smooth. I tried not to make it completely smooth because I enjoy the small chocolate chip pieces. You decide how smooth you want it! Serve immediately.

Monday, November 28, 2011

How to lose 30 lbs in a month

It is entirely possible to lose 30 pounds in a month if you are obese or have a large amount of weight to lose. While this will not work as well if you are just slightly overweight or are working on your last 20 or 30 pounds, a substantial initial weight loss is important to kick-starting a healthy lifestyle and plan for losing a large amount of weight. Just remember that before you make any drastic changes to your lifestyle, you visit your doctor to make sure that you are physically capable of what you are going to achieve and can do so safely. This is especially important if you are diabetic, have a heart condition, or any other serious medical condition.

Guidelines For How To Lose 30 Pounds In A Month

Stop Eating Simple Carbohydrates
Most fad diets these days involve some sort of carbohydrate restriction, and for one very good reason: most of the unhealthy processed foods that make up such a large portion of our diets are filled with empty carbohydrates in place of proper nutrition. The first step toward your goal to lose 30 pounds in 1 month is cutting these foods completely out of your diet.

This means that for at least the next 30 days, you will not be eating any pasta, bread, sugar, candy, rice, ice cream, or any other food that contains high levels of starch or simple carbohydrates. Certain vegetables, including potatoes and beets, which are high in starches and sugars, must also be eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight quickly.

There are many reasons for this sort of initial carbohydrate restriction. There is the need to initially break the addiction to these foods, which can be quite powerful, but there is also the fact that carbohydrates do not produce the same satiety signals in the body that proteins and healthy fats do. This makes it easy to overindulge on carbohydrate-rich foods and consume too many calories. Since most of these calories also contain little in the way of good nutrition, your body can do just fine without most of them. You absolutely cannot lose 30 pounds in a month without doing this.

Eat Lots of Green Vegetables
While you will not be eating any simple carbohydrates during your 30 days of weight loss, that does not mean that you will not be eating any carbohydrates at all. In fact, carbohydrates are a necessary macronutrient that your body needs in order to function properly.

In place of the white flour and sugar that you were eating in the past, you are instead going to eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables in pretty much unlimited qualities. When eating these vegetables, you will get full long before you eat enough calories to gain weight. This list includes just about any salad green you can think of, cucumbers, celery, pickles (be careful of sodium and sugar), broccoli, cauliflower, and other fiber-rich vegetables.

Note: I said that you could have the vegetables in unlimited quantities. The same is not true of salad dressing, which is frequently loaded with sugar. A little bit of salt, pepper, olive oil, and a dash of lemon juice is all that is needed to make these salads palatable enough to help you lose 30 pounds in a month.

Choose Lean Protein Options
Protein is also a vital macronutrient, and makes up the building blocks of our bodies. However, not all proteins are created equal. Some of them contain much higher levels of saturated fat than others. For example, it goes without saying that beef brisket is a much fattier cut of meat than chicken breast.

Part of the problem stems from how food animals are raised, which is frequently on a diet of corn in a feedlot that is designed to make them put on weight as fast as possible so they can reach your plate in as short a time as possible. When you are trying to lose weight, however, the choice of meat is very important.

Lean cuts of meat are best, namely lean sirloin, tenderloin, chicken breast, and fish. Fish are an excellent choice, as are grass-fed meats, because of the much higher percentage of omega 3 fats that they contain. These healthy fats are good for your health and can aid in weight loss.

Do Not Drink Any Calories
One of the major stumbling blocks for many people who are trying to lose 30 pounds a month is that they do not want to give up their sugary beverages, juices, and soft drinks. Because there is no chewing involved, people tend to forget that these beverages are filled with calories and sugar. They also do not produce any satiety signals in the body, so you can’t feel full after drinking them.

In order to lose 30 pounds in one month, these beverages absolutely have to go. Instead, drink water as much as you want. If you need tea or coffee in the morning, feel free to have a few cups, but do not add any cream or sweetener. Actually, the caffeine can help you work out harder if you have it 30 minutes or so before you exercise.

Cardio, Cardio, Cardio
When it comes to an immediate calorie burn, which is exactly what we are looking for as we work to lose 30 pounds in a month, it is hard to go wrong with cardio. In fact, you should feel free to do as much cardiovascular exercise as you can handle without injuring yourself. Just make sure to speak with your doctor first, especially if you have any serious medical problems.

When you are doing your cardiovascular exercise for weight loss, you may have heard that it is the same breaking it up into short sessions throughout the day as it is doing it all at once. Unfortunately, that is only true to a point. In order to get a substantial “afterburn,” in which your body continues burning extra calories after you finish exercising, you have to exercise for at least 30 consecutive minutes. For the kind of substantial weight loss that we are looking for here, aim for two 30 minute cardio sessions per day five days a week.

Do A Wide Range of Exercises
The problem with cardiovascular exercise is that even though it helps you to lose weight quickly, it can get boring even more quickly, especially if all you do is spend your time on a stationary bike or a treadmill. What you were once driven to do can quickly become tedious, monotonous, and even dreadful.

Your body will also adjust to the same workout routine every day, and can potentially “plateau,” in which it is no longer burning the same amount of calories it once did because it has adapted to the exercise you are doing. While this is not likely to happen right away, if you are serious about wanting to lose 30 pounds in a month, you will want to change it up frequently. Swimming, walking, running, and bicycling are all great cardiovascular exercises.

In addition to cardiovascular exercise, you will also need to engage in some strength training in order to prevent your body from burning up muscle mass to fuel your cardiovascular workouts. Again, you will want to engage in a wide range of exercises and work with your doctor to determine the best plan for you.

Be Disciplined
This is going to be the hardest part of all. You need to make a commitment to yourself to follow through with the lifestyle changes that are necessary for weight loss. People who slip and cheat a little have a tendency to get depressed and start binging, but you have to resist that urge. If your willpower wanes and you slip a little, stop what you are doing and work harder to do the right thing from that point on. Out of all the weight loss tips we can offer you, this one is the most important. What’s done is done, and the important thing is making the right choices each moment. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on, doing the right things. You can lose 30 pounds in a month if you are dedicated and make the necessary effort.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fit for Life Recipes

For Breakfast, Fit For Life Recipes encourage you to eat nothing but fruit or fruit juice. Believe me, once you get used to this routine in about 2-3 days, you will enjoy yourself and will no longer pine for old eating habits. Fruits come in a pre-digested state. Therefore, no digestive action is needed. They are in and out of the stomach in minutes. As a result, the body can concentrate on elimination during the morning and not digestion. Notice the abundance of energy at your disposal. Fit For Life Recipes during this period of elimination do not vary. Eat as much fruit or fruit juice as desired and eat it until you are satisfied. Do not overeat and do not undereat.

Fit For Life Recipes will not encourage you to eat dates or dried fruit, especially if you are concentrating on weight loss. Date and dried fruit are high in sugar.

Breakfast Guidelines

  1. Start your day with 8-14 ounces of fresh fruit juice if you desire

  2. Eat pieces of fruit throughout the morning especially if you begin to feel hungry.

  3. Eat a minimum of two servings of fruit in any 3 hour period.

  4. Do not be concerned about the amount of fruit you ingest in the morning. Just don’t overeat. Just let your ingestion of fruit be governed by what your body tells you. Eat as much as you want, within reason.|

  5. Eat melons before other fruit.

  6. Eat bananas when you really are hungry and are craving heavier foods. Bananas remain in your stomach for about 45 minutes, longer than the 15 minutes citrus remains there. Be careful to plan your lunch or dinner accordingly. If fruit is in the stomach while you eat your next meal, you are in jeopardy of ruining that meal for your body. Fermentation and putrefaction will occur. Wait until the fruit is out of your stomach until you begin your next meal.

The Fit For Life Book contains hundreds of tasty, exciting and tested Fit For Life Recipes that will assist anyone in following the guidelines of proper food combining and energy optimization. If you can eat any food with this program, then you can imagine how colorful and enticing the recipes are. Where the recipes help is that they give us a sense of how to apply what we’ve learned. As an example, what follows is a Fit For Life Rrecipe of foods suggested for one day:


  • fresh-squeezed juice
  • fresh fruit
  • bananas when hungry and desirous of heavier foods


  • Energy salad with raw vegetables and light dressing or the properly combined sandwich with cucumber or celery spears. Both are creative recipes inspired by Fit For Life. An Energy Salad contains lettuce, spinach, cucumber, tomato, sprouts, avocado or olives, beans and any additional vegetable you like particularly well such as carrots, celery, mushrooms, cabbage, jicama, beets, radishes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli and artichokes. The properly combined sandwich includes whole grain bread, tomato, cucumber, avocado, lettuce or sprouts, mayonnaise or mustard or butter


  • fresh vegetable juice cocktail
  • creamy cauliflower soup
  • potato boats or roast chicken
  • garlic string beans
  • French green salad

Last word: I tried this way of living 8 years ago. It was difficult in the first 2 –3 days. I was used to my own regimen of foods and my body was probably wondering what I was doing to it. However, my body responded quickly and I have kept my natural weight all of this time. From time to time, I have allowed myself to stray from the Diet. I knew I was doing it but I knew how to get myself right back into my healthy way of living. I once lived in South America and it seems that most foods then were not processed. I remember feeling so alive and healthy day after day in South America. I also had the same feeling in Italy. I owe my good health to not only proper food combining but also to the fact that my foods were not tainted with preservatives.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chicken Salad with Grapes

2/3 cup reduced-fat or regular mayonnaise

2 tablespoons sour cream

1 tablespoon dried tarragon

2 teaspoons lemon juice

4 cups shredded skinned cooked chicken

1 cup red seedless grapes, rinsed and halved

1 apple, rinsed, cored, and chopped

1 head red leaf lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces

Salt and fresh-ground pepper

In a large bowl, mix mayonnaise, sour cream, tarragon, and lemon juice. Add chicken, grapes, and apple. Mix gently. Mound lettuce equally on dinner plates. Spoon chicken salad equally onto lettuce. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Natural Cures/home remedies with Juicing!

Absolutely the Best Juicing Recipes!

Here are the best juicing recipes I have found so far. There is no more powerful medicine than that of fresh squeezed fruits and vegetables. When you juice, you cleanse your colon, blood, lymph, and urinary system while saturating your tissues with powerful nutrition transfusions.


    Here is a recipe for strengthening digestion:

    1/2 head of cabbage

    1 beet

    2 large kiwis

    Here’s one more:

    5 carrots

    1 wedge cabbage

    1/2 apple

    Blood and Liver Cleansing

    One of the most powerful types of alternative medicine for cleansing is the juice of fresh squeezed fruits and vegetables.

    Here is a juicing recipe with powerful cleansing properties(tastes good too):

    fresh mint or basil

    1 carrot

    2-3 celery sticks


    Here’s one more

    not quite as effective as above, but really quick and simple:

    2-5 pears

    Just cut them up and juice.


    Here is a juicing recipe with powerful healing properties for the respiratory system:

    3 carrots

    1 bunch parsley

    1/2 garlic clove

    Here’s another one:

    4 carrots

    4 ozs. watercress

    Colon Cleansing

    Here is a juicing recipe with potent colon cleansing properties:

    8 ounces carrot Juice

    4 ounces celery Juice

    4 ounces apple Juice

    Here’s another

    a little less effective as above, but really quick and simple:

    2 pears

    1 apple

    Just cut them up and juice.


    Here is a juicing recipe with powerful immune stimulating properties:

    Immune Builder

    2 carrots

    bunch of parsley

    2 stalks celery

    1/2 clove garlic


    Here is a great juicing recipe for sinus infection:

    2 carrots

    1/2 cucumber

    bunch of parsley

    2 stalks celery

    1/2 clove garlic

    Here's another one

    2 oranges

    1 lemon

    3 peppermint leaves

    Urinary Tract Infection

    Cranberries are by far the most important fruit or vegetable home remedy for urinary tract infection. Here is a great juice recipe for killing bacteria in the urinary tract:

    2 apples

    1/2 lb. cranberries

    If too tart, sweeten with a little agave syrup and/or dilute with water.

    It would be wise to drink a glass of fresh or even bottled cranberry juice daily for prevention even after the symptoms have left.

    Try not to use cranberry cocktails that contain sugar or fructose. These will not help and may actually worsen the condition because bacteria thrive in sugary environments.

    Additional useful juices are:






    Weight Loss

    One of the best ways to lose weight is a juice fast of a few days. Here is a great juice recipe for getting the weight off:

    2 cups cubed watermelon, cold

    2 cups cubed cantaloupe, cold

    1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled

    Here's another one:

    1/2 cup frozen strawberries

    1 cup orange juice

    2 tsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice

    Yeast Infections

    Here is a great juice recipe for killing yeast:

    3 cabbage Leaves

    1 garlic clove

    4 green Beans

    2 carrots

    1 grapefruit or orange

    Here's one more:

    5 stalks celery

    1 apple

If you use any of these juices for your PowerUp health and energy drink, you’ll be flyin’ (I call this the double whammy. Add some fresh squeezedwheat grass juice for triple whammy).

Fresh squeezed wheat grass is so strong that you can't drink more than ounce or two at a time. It is arguably the most powerful anti-oxidant on earth (anti-oxidants kill free radicals, mutated molecules that cause disease and aging).

Wheat grass must have its own special juicer. There's a manual one that's relatively inexpensive and an electric one that's costlier but easier to use. Often you can purchase the juicers and fresh, live wheat grass through your local health food store. You can also grow your own wheat grass by sprouting wheat berries (see the Wheat Grass Book by Anne Wigmore). You can also purchase fresh squeezed shots at juice bars within health food stores or restaurants.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Biggest Loser Protein Shake

Eat the Foods You Love Diet

Have you ever thought about eating everything that you want to and still being able lose weight?

I am sure many of us have, but we all know what we need to do. For weight loss, we need to focus on fruits and vegetables and limit our overall calorie intake.

But, what if you could still shed some pounds while eating foods you enjoy?

A diet-blog reader commented on a post saying he eats what he loves and he has never had a weight problem. This struck me as a key idea that we all need to remember. Long term success of maintaining a healthy weight is often due to having a healthy relationship with food, enjoying what you eat, but not overdoing it either.

This is a hard concept to grasp for many people because food is tied to emotion, mood, stress, a person's schedule, and habits. But, I believe that everyone can get to a point where you enjoy food and do not have to worry about weight gain.

Top 5 Tips for Achieving This Success:

  • 80% of the time it is important to eat clean and healthy. The other 20% of the time, it is OK to feel as if you are indulging.
  • Research has shown that some of the best long term weight loss comes from cutting only 200 calories from your diet per day. This is low enough to trick the brain into still feeling satisfied while it is just enough to cause gradual weight loss.
  • Portion size is crucial for long term success. Re-evaluate your mealtime and snack-time portions. Even if you have chosen a richer food, focus on keeping your portion of that food smaller in comparison to other foods on your plate.
  • The first few bites of any food are going to be the best tasting bites. Only put a few spoonfuls of the higher calorie foods on your plate to help keep yourself satisfied without loading up on calories.
  • Learn to love your fruits and vegetables. Sometimes we get stuck in a boring routine of cooking the same vegetables and fruits. Shop in season and be open to trying new produce. This will help keep those nutritious and waistline friendly foods delicious and exciting.


High Protein, Low Calorie Foods for Every Meal

Inadequate protein intake in America is rare, but balancing protein calories with a healthy amount of carbohydrate and fat calories daily can be a lot of guesswork without the help of nutritional analysis. The Institute of Medicine suggests between 10 and 35% of calories come from protein, but according to a study by University of Colorado researchers, the average American only gets about 17%. To be proactive in meal planning and on the fly decision making, consider high protein, low calorie foods to incorporate into your diet.

2 Large Eggs Protein 13 g
Calories: 192
Make it a Meal: ½ cup spinach cooked, 1 small potato, ½ cup honeydew melon

2 Slices of Turkey Deli Meat and 1 cup of Plain Kefir
Protein: 27 g
Calories: 228
Make it a Meal: 1 whole wheat tortilla, ¼ avocado, 1 cup romaine lettuce, 1 orange

1 cup cooked Oatmeal and 1 cup 1% Lowfat milk Protein: 14.1 g
Calories: 268
Make it a Meal: 1 cup strawberries , 10 almonds

½ cup Lentils
Protein: 9 grams
Calories: 115
Make it a Meal: 1 cup Brown Rice, ½ cup pineapple chunks, 10 cashews, ½ cup radishes

½ cup Canned Tuna Protein: 19.7 grams
Calories: 89.5
Make it a Meal: 1 cup Grapes, 1 cup jicama spears, 1 oz. of low fat cheese

Buffalo Burger Protein: 20.7
Calories: 207
Make it a Meal: 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 cup of cucumber slices, 1 apple

½ Chicken Breast Protein 26.7 g
Calories: 142
Make it a Meal: 6-8 Asparagus Spears, 1 medium sweet potato, 1 tbsp olive oil (toss with Asparagus Spears)

3 oz. Salmon Protein: 21.6 g
Calories: 155
Make it a Meal: ½ cup chopped hazelnuts, ½ cup red bell pepper, ½ cup quinoa, 1 cup butternut squash

1 Serving Tempeh Protein:18.2
Calories: 196
Make it a Meal: ½ cup basmati rice,1 cup broccoli, ½ cup carrots

8 oz. Non-Fat Greek Yogurt Protein 24 g
Calories: 140

1 Serving Whey, Pea, Rice, or Hemp Protein Powder Protein: Between 15 and 25 g
Calories: between 100 and 150

Soybeans (Edamame)
Protein: 16.6
Calories: 188
