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Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 Ways to Get Healthier

If you are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), such as potato chips, cheese burgers, pizza, and donuts, you are damaging the health of your body.  Believe it or not, most of this food is fake and is laden with fat and sugar.  Even worst, most of the food in this diet has chemicals such as high corn fructose syrup, ammonia, artificial dyes, artificial favors, hydrogenated oil, sodium nitrate, or monosodium glutamate (MSG) added to them.  Some of them are genetically modified and include hormones which you digest when you eat it.

Eating this type of diet will not only cause you to be overweight and feel sluggish, but it will rob you of the energy you need work on your dreams.  Even worst, it will poison your body and makes it toxic which  can lead to diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and sleep apnea just to name a few.

 If you are following this lifestyle and you desire live a prosperous life, you must take responsibility for health.  You cannot continue eating these foods and expect your body to perform optimally, and if you fail to change course, you will continue to suffer from aches, pains, and sickness that are by-products of the Standard American Diet.

 It is decision time — are you ready to take responsibility for your life?  If you are, start with the health of your body by setting an intention in this moment to start eating healthier.  To help you make the lifestyle change, I have included 10 guidelines you can use to get healthier:
  1. Detox your body for 3 days by drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water to release toxins and to give your digestive system a rest. After the 3 days, eat plenty of fiber including brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables such as radishes, beefs, artichokes, cabbage, and broccoli, and to continue the detox process over the next 4 days.
  2. Replace food in the SAD such as hamburgers and pizza with an organic raw fruits and vegetables.  If you must eat meat, eat it only once or twice max a week, and choose meats that organic, free range, antibiotic-free, or kosher.
  3. Replace white breads with multigrain bread, and eat whole brown rice instead of white.  White bread contains processed flour which is bleached, preserved, and aged with chlorine dioxide.  Eating white bread places tremendous strain on the pancreas.
  4. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day.  Stay away from city water since it contains fluoride and chlorine which is toxic to your body.  Alkalize you drinking water by adding a lemon wedge to it. 
  5. Eliminate dairy products from your diet. If you must drink milk, drink almond or sow milk because cow milk contains hormones and depletes calcium from your bones. 
  6. Eat dark green and yellow vegetables, soy beans, nuts, seeds, grains, and fatty acids from deep sea fish.  If possible, eat the vegetables raw to preserve the nutrient content.  Occasionally I blanch my vegetables by streaming them for a few minutes to remove the bitter flavor in some vegetables such as broccoli.
  7. Eliminate caffeine such coffee, soda, and cocoa.  Although caffeine can stimulate your nervous system and alleviate fatigue, it can prevent calcium from absorbing in your body, it’s a diuretic which can cause unwanted fluid loss, and it is associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. Avoid foods that are laden with processed or refined sugar.  This sugar is very acidic and increases the glucose in the blood which can cause mold and fungus in your body.  Sugar is addictive and can cause diabetes, obesity, coronary thrombosis and tooth decay.
  9. Stop using a microwave to warm or cook your food.  A microwave radiates the food, changes the molecular structure of the food, and damages the nutrients in the food.  
  10. Get a juicer and use it to juice fresh organic fruits and vegetables daily.  If you can’t afford a good juicer, sell your television set because it is just poisoning your mind, but    that’s  another topic.
 When you follow these guidelines you will begin to experience optimum health, and you will be amazed at how much more energy you have for life. You do not have to take my word for it, so I ask you to do this as a 10 day challenge and commit to completing it. After the 10 days, see if you feel better.


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