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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Designed for those who have had difficulty losing weight in the past.

All Raw Vegetables and Cooked Green Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables. They have the greatest amount of nutrients per calorie of any food. You may also eat as many nutrient rich non-green vegetables as you want (eggplant, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes). The more you eat, the more weight you will lose. Try to eat a pound per day of raw and a pound per day of cooked vegetables. If you can't eat this much, don't force yourself, but the idea is to completely rethink what your idea of a portion is: make it huge.

You may also eat as much fruit as you want. You should have at least four fresh fruits daily. Finish lunch or dinner with watermelon, a whole cantaloupe of a box of blueberries or strawberries. On this aggressive weight loss diet, limit dried fruit like dates, raisins or apricots to 2 tablespoons per day.

Starchy vegetables (Butternut or acorn squash, corn, potatoes) and Whole Grains are grouped together because they can be a problem for those who have difficulty losing weight. While wholesome high carbohydrate foods are a valuable addition to a disease prevention diet, they are more calorically dense than the non-starchy vegetables. These foods are limited to one serving (1 cup) per day in these aggressive weight loss menus.

Eat beans every day; they are a dieter's best friend. The goal is to eat an entire cup of beans daily and you may have more then a cup if you chose. Beans reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and help prevent food cravings. They are digested slowly, which gives them a high satiety index. Consume nuts and seeds every day in limited amounts (1 ounce daily). Almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and others may be rich in calories and fat, but scientific studies consistently report that nuts and seeds offer disease protection against heart attacks, stroke and cancer and also help you lower cholesterol. Always eat nuts and seeds raw because the roasting process alters their beneficial fats. Nuts and seeds are ideal in salad dressings because when eaten with greens, they greatly enhance the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables. You may also use an additional 1 tablespoon per day of flax seed.

Refined grains, sugar, oil and added salt are off limits on this meal plan.

Herbal teas with no caffeine are permitted. You may use garlic, flavored vinegar, lemon, and spices or herbs for seasoning.

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