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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to Use Shakeology in Your Daily Life

  1. As a supplement meal: One of the best and most popular ways to use Shakeology is to prepare it as a healthy shake for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Shakeology formulas vary from 140-170 calories depending on the formula. Adding extra calorie dense ingredients like fruit, nut-butters, or milk gets you to a healthy caloric content that is both highly satisfying and nutritious.
  2. Snack: Shakeology is an incredibly nutrient-rich snack, perfect for someone that's doing an intense workout program like P90X. Since Shakeology doesn't have much fat, its nutrients are put to use very quickly by your body. This makes it an ideal pick-me-up snack when you're on the go. You can either make yourself a ½ scoop serving of Shakeology or a full scoop if you're really famished. The key to losing weight is to eat small meals throughout the day, so if you feel like you're getting hungry Shakeology is a good, convenient option; a Shakeology snack will keep your metabolism revved and your body burning fat.
  3. Pre-Workout Supplement: If you're doing an intense workout program, a good way to use Shakeology is as a pre-workout snack, taken about 1 hour prior to your warm-up. Your workout will help you get the most out of Shakeology, and Shakeology will help you during the latter part of your workout, especially if your glycogen stores have been slightly depleted.
  4. Post-Workout Supplement: When it comes to a serious workout, one of the many reasons trainers like P90X's Tony Horton and RevAbs' Brett Hoebel recommend drinking Shakeology post-workout is because your body is in a state of depletion. Here are several reasons why Shakeology is a good post-workout supplement:
    • Calories: Many people make the mistake of eating too many calories afterward. The general range is 100 to 250 calories, post-workout. At 140 to 170 calories, Shakeology fills this requirement perfectly.
    • Protein: Protein is critical after a tough workout because it works to repair your muscles. With 15 to 18 grams of quality protein in each serving, Shakeology works great as a muscle building tool.
    • Replenish Electrolytes: The magnesium, sodium, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in Shakeology will boost your electrolytes.
  5. Natural Energy Boost: Next time the 3 PM slump rolls around, make Shakeology; it's better for an energy boost than a lot of energy drinks! While something like Red Bull® might give you more up-front punch, Shakeology will give you sustained energy because it's providing nutrients your body needs to get things done, and it has a low glycemic impact, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable.
  6. Late Night Sweet Cravings: Sometimes at the end of the day you crave something sweet; this happens to the best of us. Instead of grabbing something high in sugar and low in nutrition, whip yourself up some Shakeology with your favorite recipe. This Double Chocolate Recipe is sure to knock your chocolate craving out of the park: 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology, 1 cup chocolate almond milk, 1 ½ cup ice. True, this isn't the most opportune time to eat for weight loss - try to keep your larger meals earlier, so you have time to burn off the calories before bed; but drinking Shakeology is better than binging on cake or brownies!
  7. Healthy Dessert: Finally, even the most dedicated dieter needs to let loose every now and then. There are plenty of creative dessert recipes you can make with Shakeology found right here on the blog, such as pies, peanut butter cups and easy chocolate mousse in the 'Recipes' category. The best part is all of the desserts have 70+ healthy ingredients in them. See, you can have your cake and eat it too!

To try Shakeology....You can find out more and order some here:


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