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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Foods to avoid at all costs

Bacon and Sausage. Full of saturated fat...and is a processed food. You are eating a "Meat Product" that contains some pork in a mix of fillers, sodium, sugar and nitrates that are used to cure the meats

Hot dogs.....are not pure meat. They are a "Meat product" consisting of some meat, fillers, stabilizers, sodium, preservatives, artificial colors and artificial flavors. All hot dogs...low fat or not are processed meats. The nitrates used to cute hot dogs have been linked to cancer.

Potato Chips, Nachos and Corn Chips - Tons of Sodium, lots of fat, flavor additives, and refined oils they are fried in. The nutritional value that was in the raw potato or corn has literally been "fried right out". Packaged and man-made foods are never as good as foods eaten the way they are found in nature.

Donuts.....contain the fat storing combination: refined sugar and saturated fats. The flour used to make them is white flour, which is stripped of any nutritional value and of course heaps of sugar are added on top or inside and they are deep fried.

Soda-Described as liquid candy, soft drinks are mostly water, but the amount of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup used to sweeten soda is enough to damage your fat burning machine.

Fried foods - All fried foods are really bad for you. They are high in calories and mostly fat. The type of fat used to deep fry is highly saturated and/or trans fats.

Pizza - One slice of good old fashioned cheese pizza (without any toppings) can add up to half a days worth of saturated fat.

Ice Cream - Loaded with fat, sugar and way more calories than you need. Alternatives to ice cream are fruit sorbet or even sugar free, low fat frozen yogurt.

Sugary Breakfast Cereals - Most boxed cereals contain large amounts of sugar. Read the ingredients list. Opt to eat unsweetened old fashioned oatmeal instead.

Cookies, Cakes, pies - They fall into the same categories as donuts, fat and sugar. Fat and sugar is the worst of all food combinations and are both found in abundance in these.

White sugar, candy and sweets - Sugars are "empty calories". No Vitamins, No minerals, no fiber, no nothing...just calories. Refined sugars elevate your blood sugar levels and increase insulin levels, which can also increase fat storage and prevent stored fat from being released. If you made just one change in your nutritional habits...get the sugar out.

Juices and fruit drinks - Same as Soda. Don't drink your calories. Read labels. If you see sugar, sucrose, corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup on the label...STAY AWAY! Eat an apple, orange, grape etc or juice your own.

White Flour foods - White Bread, bagels, tortillas, cereals, pretzels, pitas and crackers are treated in the body the same way as white sugar. They are a refined carbohydrate with NO NUTRITIONAL Value. They have been stripped of most of their nutrients, turning the whole grain ( a complex carbohydrate) into a simple carbohydrate, that is no better than pure sugar. If the food says Whole Grain or Whole Wheat, check the label. The first ingredient must say 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat!

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