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Friday, August 7, 2009

How to boost metabolism with herbs!

Metabolism is a chemical reaction in the cells of the body that produces energy from food. A metabolic disorder can cause a buildup of toxins in the body. Herbal remedies to boost metabolism can be taken in a tea and sweetened with honey.

Are you looking for a way to boost metabolism? If you're metabolism is sluggish, it could really affect your ability to lose weight. There are many reasons why your metabolism can slow down. These include aging, stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and genetics.

The good news is that there is hope. You can boost metabolism naturally. You can help your metabolism by consuming herbs that help speed it up. These are gentler on the body than weight-loss supplements which typically overload your body with caffeine. The problem with those supplements is that the caffeine can harm your metabolism even more. Try these tips instead!


1. Green tea works because it is a thermogenic agent which means that helps you burn more calories above and beyond what you'd normally burn. If you are sensitive to caffeine you can use caffeine-free tea and it will still be just as effective.

2. Kelp helps boost metabolism because it contains iodine which is essential for the thyroid. This works especially well if you have a thyroid that is not functioning properly. You can either purchase kelp granules or use kelp (either the flakes or the whole plant) in the food you eat.

3. Mate is another herb that people use for energy and since it has only a small amount of caffeine, it is good for people who are sensitive to caffeine. Most supermarkets sell mate tea, or you can visit your local health food store. You can find the tea online as well.

4. Ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper are all herbs that have a thermogenic effect just like green tea. However, they should only be used in small amounts. Try to cook every day with at least one of these herbs. For example, you can sprinkle a small amount of cayenne in a stir fry, make a marinade with ginger or sprinkle some cinnamon in some oatmeal.

5. Juniper Berries
Juniper berries have a long history as a tonic. Steep 1 tsp. of the crushed berries with 1/2 cup of hot water in a covered pot for 5 to 10 minutes, limiting tea intake to 1 cup per day.

6. Milfoil, commonly known as yarrow, is used to build up the blood as well as to boost the flow of bile.

7. Nettle stimulates the digestive system. Take care in harvesting nettle, as irritation and even blistering can result from the fresh leaves; but nettle tea, applied over the irritation, will relieve the irritation.

8. Dandelion Root and Leaves
The Taraxacum officinale is the bane of lawn caretakers, but promotes formation of bile and eliminates water from the body. Use the leaves during flowering and the root in the fall.

9. Pansy Leaves
Also known as Garden violet or Johnny Jumper, pansy leaf tea is made by steeping 2 tsp. of leaves with 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes. Take one mouthful at a time--up to a cup a day--to boost metabolism.

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