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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fit for Life Diet

The Fit for Life Diet

Fit for Life is a combination diet diet that emphasizes eating foods in the correct combination and avoiding the wrong combinations of foods rather than counting calories or controlling portion size.

The diet approach of Fit for life is very unconventional and disputed by most dieticians and nutritionist all over the world. Some of the rules in the program are:

  • You cannot eat fruits with other foods. They are only healthy for you if the fruits are eaten alone.
  • Only fruits can be eaten in the morning (until noon), as it cleanses the body.
  • Carbohydrates and proteins should not be consumed at the same time. So for lunch and dinner, you have the choice of either carbohydrates and vegetables or proteins and vegetables.
  • Consumption of dairy foods is strictly prohibited on this diet program.
  • Drinking water with your meals is discouraged.
  • There is a one day when you can eat whatever you want, which the program calls a free day.

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