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Friday, February 10, 2012

Best and Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Here are some of the Best and Fast ways to lose weight from your body and get that beautiful and sexy body you always dreamed of having.

1. Start preparing your own food and stop outside food gradually

I recommend you start preparing your own meals by doing so you’ll be able to control your own portions and the quality of products that you consume on a daily basis. Don’t try to change everything at once. It’s best if you start preparing one meal at a time. Outside food is junk and everyone knows that so start with preparing low calorie foods at home like oat meals, green leafy vegetables and pulses. You will feel more energetic and healthy.

2. Have a Coffee after every meal

I recommend you to have a coffee after every meal if you are a coffee fanatic like me, you’ll find this fast way to lose weight really helpful. The only thing you need to remember is to not drink sugary coffee or coffee with milk in-between meals, but rather – afterwards. If the coffee you take comes with sugar or any kind of sweetener or if it contains milk, it will act in your body the same way desserts do and that will also cause you storing fat. Try having espresso or black coffee without adding any sugar. It might taste different at first, but in a week you will not even be able to drink coffee with sugar again.

3. After breakfast, make water your first drink of choice

I recommend you to make water as your first choice after breakfast. At breakfast, go ahead and drink juice and have some milk too. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water instead of juice or aerated drinks. The average American consumes an extra 300 calories a day from aerated drinks. That’s nearly 108,000 calories a year — or 30 pounds! And research shows that despite the calories, sugary drinks don’t trigger a sense of fullness the way that water does.

4. Do not stop your regular intake on Proteins

I recommend that you need to make sure that at least two of your daily meals contain sufficient amount of protein. Egg whites, white meat (no red meat it has a lot of bad fat), fish would be the best natural sources of protein for you. In case of vegetarians, you might enjoy such foods as tofu, beans, asparagus that also have plenty of protein your body. With the help of these proteins your body will get the strength to lose that extra weight on you.

5. Replace your daily white bread with Brown Bread

I recommend the way to lose weight is to avoid bread altogether, but if you regularly have some, then opt for whole grain bread or Brown Bread, rather than processed white bread. It has fiber and it has way less calories and it tastes better too! It might take some time to start eating less bread, but once you do, you’ll see that this is probably one of the most effective and fastest ways to lose weight.

6. Avoid the sauce and other toppings on SALADS

I recommend that you stop adding those sauces and other high calorie dressings like mayonnaise, mustard sauce and salsa on salads. Have your salads with loads of leafy greens with some lemon, slat and pepper. No dressings and fancy sauces on them they are just there to make your salad into a high calorie disaster. One of the fastest ways to lose weight is to have as much salad as you can, only substitute the dressing with some vinegar, olive oil or lemon juice. Your body will take a lot of time to digest these salads and will not make you feel hungry for a long time.

7. Do not STARVE yourself if you want to lose weight fast

I recommend you to have 5 small meals per day and not to starve yourself. Sometimes we feel thirsty and confuse this thirst with high calorie snacking that’s bad avoid that, but to stop all the food intake to lose weight will not help you. This is a common mistake many of us do, when trying to find a way to lose weight. I am saying this from my personal experience that skipping meals in order to lose weight won’t work at all. After you starve yourself for many hours you feel very hungry and you start having the wrong food as your body craves for food you have all the fatty and junk foods.

8. Breakfast the most important meal of the day

If you want to lose weight fast and in the best way possible you need to know one thing that is DO NOT SKIP YOUR BREAKFAST. I am purposely making this statement bold as it is the most important thing for everyone to know whoever wants to lose weight. Have Breakfast like a KING Lunch as a Queen and Dinner as a pauper. This is the mantra to lose weight in a best and fast way. Breakfast is the meal that feeds your body the most important nutrients it needs through out a busy day. Your breakfast must contain the cereals, a juice and 2 slices of Brown Bread to fulfill your appetite.

9. Keep some Nuts and some fruits with you

I recommend you keep a small container of nuts,salad, some fruits even some flavored low-cal rice cakes would do. If a snack-attack strikes, you’ll be prepared and won’t have to seek out the high-calorie, high-fat junk in the vending machine!

10. Avoid Junk Food

I recommend you to avoid junk food if you want to lose weight. Just don’t stop it all at one time but try to avoid as much as you can because of the calorie content in junk food being too high people gain a lot of weight when they have junk food all the time.But when you stop having it you won’t crave what you don’t have. Well, even if you do crave it, you don’t have a choice but have something else, much healthier instead.

11. Have a DESERT after a proper meal

I recommend you to have a desert after a proper meal the big mistake many of us make is having just a dessert instead of a proper meal to keep the calorie intake down. But the thing is, anything sweet makes your blood sugar skyrocket, which automatically leads to storing fat no matter what you put in your mouth afterwards. But if you have a real meal first and then have your dessert, your sugar levels will go up smoothly, without creating a spike and without causing you store fat.

12. Eat your food slow

If you want to lose weight fast and in the best way then change your eating habit. Eat and chew your food properly, our mind takes almost 15-25mins to register that we are full and we do not need any food till the next 4 hours. But if we eat more during that 15-25mins we need to put more food in our body and the excess food is stored in the form of fat. Also, our saliva contains enzymes that help break the food down while we are still chewing, so the more thorough you are when chewing, the more healthy nutrients you will be able to get out of the food you are eating. Eat Slow and Stay Healthy is the mantra.

13. Occasionally give yourself a treat

Your deserve it after a strict weight loss regime gift yourself a treat. Depending on your weight loss goals, set those days when you will allow yourself to indulge in a treat, may it be a dessert or your favorite drink (no aerated drinks please) or something else you are avoiding in order to lose weight. Not only it will help with the cravings, it will also help make that day more pleasant. And don’t worry, a dessert after a proper meal once a week won’t hurt your weight loss progress. As long as you keep implementing other fast ways to lose weight from this list.

14. Find substitutes of unhealthy foods

I recommend try to find substitutes of the unhealthy food and drinks one by one in your diet with their healthy versions. This is the best way to lose the extra weight you gain by having the unhealthy ones. Start by substituting aerated drinks with water and substitute white bread with wholegrain, a big piece of chocolate bar with a small piece of high quality dark chocolate. Having small portions of dark chocolate is even more healthy and helps you reduce bad fats too.

15. Say NO to alcohol!

Alcohol has a lot of calories and when you party you tend to have it a lot and lose the count, I recommend try to avoid alcohol first and then go to a stage where you have the courage to say a big NO! Having alcohol during weight loss can be dangerous as it accumulates a lot of fat in you and ruins your diet plans and weight loss program.

16. Stop all different kinds of Aerated Drinks

To lose weight fast and in a best way is to stop the intake of aerated drinks altogether. It will be perfect for your weight loss if you stop drinking soda altogether and substitute it with water. However, it’s not an easy habit to break it all in once so start doing it gradually. Bring it down from like 7glasses in a week to 3glasses in a week and then to 1 and then to none. There will be a big improvement for your weight loss program and overall health too.

17. Park your Car away from your office

I recommend if you want to lose weight fast and in the best and natural way is to avoid using your car a lot. Find for parking spaces away from office and walk that extra mile to lose weight fast and in the best way. Walking is the best exercise and the most natural way to lose that extra weight.


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