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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

  • Excellent Anti-Inflammatory

    The most well-known among the many health properties of flax seeds is the rich content of omega-3 essential fatty acid (usually found in fish oil). One tablespoon of ground flaxseed supplies 1.8 g of the fatty acid. This powerful compound has therapeutic effects on inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific studies has indicated that consuming flax seed oil daily helps cut inflammatory responses by up to 30%.
  • Fight against Cancer

    Linseeds are a good source of lignans, a useful phytoestrogen with both antioxidant and plant estrogen attributes. In fact, this nutritious seeds contain up to 800 times more lignans compared to other plant foods. Lignans are an effective anti-cancer agent. Linseeds are also full of dietary fiber, which is capable of lowering the risk of colon cancer.
  • Promote Weight Loss

    Abundant with dietary fiber, flax seeds can contribute to your weight loss program. Eating foods loaded with insoluble fiber makes you feel full, assisting you to avoid eating more than necessary. Moreover, fibrous foods take longer time to chew, giving the brain enough time to receive the message that you have taken enough food.
  • Lower Cholesterol, Prevent Heart Disease

    The merits of linseeds can also be linked to their ability to lower cholesterol levels. Research has shown that eating linseeds frequently helps reduce triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, thereby protecting you against heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes Aid

    Flax seeds are low in glycemic index with the score of 32. They are beneficial for the diabetics due to slow release of sugar into the blood. This is important to stabilize the glucose levels among the patients and provide a great health advantage to them.
  • Relieve Constipation

    Another health purpose of eating linseeds is they improve bowel movements. High in insoluble fiber, they enable the stool to pass through the colon faster with the help of plenty of water.

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