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Monday, July 13, 2009

Expect more from yourself

Why not challenge yourself this week? No slip-ups, no slacking, no excuses - non of that stuff. Let's have a week of staying true to your plan, 100%.

Think about all the projects and things going on in your life. Is it okay to give less than 100% to them? How would it go over if you strolled into work late 20% of the time?

The same thing goes for your weight loss program. You have to give it your all. It's not helping you to be great all day, only to totally over indulge at dinnertime. It's not benefiting you to justify your lapses by echoing, "I'll eat less tomorrow to make up for this."

Really try hard this week. Dare to raise your standards and expect more from yourself. You CAN do it.

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