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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Decaf and Withdrawal

LOL That's me above with my Decaf Coffee!

Well...this is Day 2 of my Somercizing WOE (way of eating)
I wasn't feeling all that well last night. Not sure if I am coming down with something or it's just me coming off sugar and caffeine. All in all....I feel pretty good otherwise though. I had a fruit smoothie 100% pure fruit and that really filled me up. I am supposed to be able to have breakfast in about 10 mins...but I am not really hungry. I may still have a small bowl of oatmeal with decaf black coffee. I can have artificial sweetener and nonfat milk in my coffee, but I am learning to like it black. I am trying to limit the amount of artificial sweetener i use each day, until i can buy some Truvia. It is a natural sweetener and does not contain Aspartame. Cutting out the really starchy foods...like corn, bananas...potatoes and white foods...(white rice, bread, pasta, flour) is making a huge difference. The starchy crap is what makes you crave all of the junk! I am not missing any of that stuff. I am happily full and content and do not feel like i am missing out on anything....like you do with so many other eating plans or diets. I will let you know what i have for my meals today! I want to go to Costco and get a membership there. Our Sam's membership is just about up. I really want to get some blueberries and some other fruit for my fruit smoothies. I am happy to say....that I am liking this WOE and I intend to stick with it. I will keep you posted.

Have a great day!
See you in a little while!


angie said...

glade your doing well on the program. sounds interesting. Will be interesting to see what your loss is after week 1. how long are you going to do it for? HAve a great day

Unknown said...

I dont weigh myself, Angie! I hate scales. I do by how my clothes fit. I will be taking pics on July 25th!

angie said...

I could go with out weighing myself. well I can but I need to know what I weigh I have to break the habit. Can't wait to see your pictures. I have a ton of pictures i took before I am going to put together a video I think. yep it's time

Sher said...

Your before photos are what will keep you on your diet and working out. That's a huge help for me!