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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cucumber Tips

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you  need
Every day, just one cucumber contains  Vitamin
B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin  B5, Vitamin
B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C,  Calcium, Iron,
Magnesium, Phosphorus,  Potassium and

2. Feeling tired  in the afternoon,
Put down the caffeinated  soda and pick up a
Cucumber. Cucumbers are a  good source of B
Vitamins and Carbohydrates  that can provide that
Quick pick-me-up that  can last for

3. Tired of your  bathroom mirror
Fogging up after a shower?  Try rubbing a
Cucumber slice along the  mirror, it will
Eliminate the fog and  provide a soothing,
Spa-like  fragrance.

4. Are grubs and  Slugs  ruining your planting beds?
Place a few Slices in a small pie tin and your garden
will  Be free of pests all season long. The  chemicals
In the cucumber react with the  aluminum to give
Off a scent undetectable to  humans but drive
Garden pests crazy and make  them flee the Area.
5  Looking for a
Fast and easy way to remove  cellulite before
Going out or to the pool?  Try rubbing a slice or
Two of cucumbers  along your problem area for a
Few minutes,  the phytochemicals in the cucumber
Cause the  collagen in your skin to tighten,
Firming up  the outer layer and reducing the
Visibility  of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles 

6.. Want to avoid a hangover  or
Terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber  slices
Before going to bed and wake up  refreshed and
Headache free. Cucumbers  contain enough sugar, B
Vitamins and  electrolytes to replenish essential 
Nutrients the body lost, keeping everything  in
Equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and 

7. Looking to fight off  that
Afternoon or evening snacking binge?  Cucumbers
Have been used for centuries and  often used by
European trappers, traders and  explores for
Quick meals to thwart off  starvation.

8. Have an important  meeting or job interview and
You realize  that you don't have enough time to
Polish  your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber
Over  the shoe, its chemicals will provide a
Quick  and durable shine that not only looks
Great  but also repels

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge?
Take a Cucumber slice and rub it  along the
problematic Hinge, and voila, the  squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and  don't have time for massage,
Facial or visit  to the spa? Cut up an entire
Cucumber and  place it in a boiling pot of water,
The  chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber 
Will react with the boiling water and be 
Released in the steam, creating a soothing, 
Relaxing aroma that has been shown the  reduce
Stress in new mothers and college  students
During final exams.

11. Just  finish a
Business lunch and realize you  don't have gum or
Mints? Take a slice of  cucumber and press it to
The roof of your  mouth with your tongue for 30
Seconds to  eliminate bad breath, the
Phytochemcials  will kill the bacteria in your
Mouth  responsible for causing bad Breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way  to
Clean your faucets, sinks or stainless  steel?
Take a slice of cucumber and rub it  on the
Surface you want to clean, not only  will it
Remove years of tarnish and bring  back the
Shine, but is won't leave streaks  and won't harm
You fingers or fingernails while you Clean.

13. Using a Pen and made a mistake? Take the
outside of the Cucumber and slowly use it to
 erase the pen writing, also works great on
crayons and markers that the kids have used to
decorate the walls!!

Pass this along to everybody you know who is 
looking  for better and safer ways to solve life's
everyday problems.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mexican Ground Turkey Rice Bowl

 2 lbs ground turkey
3/4 cup onion.
Brown turkey and onions and drain. Add taco seasoning according to how much turkey you use.  I used 4 Tablespoons of homemade Taco Seasoning (recipe below)
2 or 3 cups zucchini (you may want to use more, depending on your taste, I used 2 decent size zucchinis from the farmers market)
1 can diced tomatoes drained
2 Ears of Sweet Corn cut off of the cob.
1 1/2 cups water.
1 1/2 cups uncooked instant brown rice.
Bring to a boil. Add 1 1/2 cups uncooked instant brown rice. Reduce heat and cover/simmer for 5 min or until rice is soft and liquid is absorbed.
You can sprinkle cheese on top and let it melt.

Taco Seasoning Recipe

2 Tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (Aleppo peppers would add a wonderful depth of flavor)
1/2 tsp oregano
1 tsp paprika
1 Tbsp cumin
2 1/2 tsp salt (I recommend Real Salt.)
2 tsp pepper


1.  Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
2.  Mix well.
3.  Store in a tightly closed container.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fit Granola Bars

Fit Granola Bars (Gluten Free, High Protein)
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (may use regular milk, coconut milk, soy milk)
  • 2 tbsp Honey*
  • 1 medium Banana
  • 1 1/2 cup of Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
  • 1/2 cup Almond Meal*
  • 3 tbsp Coconut, shredded raw
  • 2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 2 servings Vanilla Protein Powder like Jay Robb Whey or Vega Sport Vanilla
  • 1/4 cup Almonds
  • 1/4 cup Golden Raisins
Preheat oven to 350F. Combine the first three ingredients. Mash up the banana and mix well together. You do not have to mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl but it does help create consistency throughout the batter. Combine all ingredients. Spray a 9 x 13 or 8 x 8 cooking dish with PAM or other cooking spray. Pat down batter into pan.

The larger the dish, the thinner the bars and less cooking time. Bake for 25 minute or until center is firm. Cut into 8-10 size servings.

If you cut the above into 10 servings, each bar would have about 146 calories, 5.4 g of fat, 19.5 g of Carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 7.8 g of sugar, and 6.8 g of protein: a perfect 3:1 carb to protein ratio for after your workout.

You can also add almonds, cranberries, walnuts, or cashews and chocolate! Keep in mind though that this may add some extra calories.

**A few people asked about substitutions. You can use maple syrup or agave nectar instead of honey if you like. In regards to the almond meal, I bought mine at Trader Joe’s. Essentially it is ground up almonds into a fine flour like consistency. You can make your own by grinding almonds in a food processor or using one of the following: nut meal, oat flour, whole wheat flour, buckwheat flour (GF), amaranth flour (GF), or simply plain white flour. **

strawberry and banana cheesecake oatmeal

-1/3 cup of oats
-1/2 cup of water
-chobani low-fat strawberry and banana greek yogurt
-1 banana (mashed)
-1 cup of strawberries
-1 tbsp low-fat cream cheese
-1 tbsp peanut butter
-drizzle of organic honey

Heat the water on the stove until it reaches a boil. Add in the oats. When the oats have absorbed most of the water reduce the heat to medium and add in the mashed banana. Stir the oats and banana together and then transfer to a bowl. Spread the chobani over the oats and top with the strawberries, cream cheese, and peanut butter. I then microwaved my bowl for about 30 seconds to melt the toppings but that is optional. Drizzle with honey, stir, and enjoy!

Raw Vegan Nut Meat

Raw vegan “nut” meat. Try something new for your meatless meat!

1 cup mushrooms
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup sunflower seeds and/or pumpkin seeds
1 clove garlic
1 tsp Tamari
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp mixed spices

For Mexican style nut meat:
Cumin, chili powder, cayenne, coriander, paprika, cilantro, lime.
For Italian style nut meat:
Sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, basil, marjoram, sun dried tomatoes.

In your food processor, grind sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds until no large chunks are visible. Next you’re going to pulse in the garlic, nama shoyu, salt, pepper, and additional spices. Add walnuts and mushrooms, and blend until a coarse crumb like consistency is reached. You can eat your nut meat right away, or let it sit in the fridge for a while to let the flavor develop. Nut meat should keep in the fridge for around four or five days. Enjoy it in nachos, tacos, chilies, pastas, lasagnas, wraps, or anywhere you would usually use meat!

Get healthy without dieting!

Don’t diet, just eat healthy.

There are several fad diets that will lead to successful weight loss if you follow them exactly as they are designed. That doesn’t mean every food that fits into a diet is a healthy food, but it does mean you have to change your eating patterns to fit the diet’s rules.

Rather than worry about following a fad diet, think about your health and your lifestyle instead. Start by learning which foods are good for you.

The closer a food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. Fresh fruits and berries are great and will satisfy a craving for sweets. Whole vegetables have lots of vitamins and minerals, so eat more green, orange and yellow vegetables. Steam them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they may be high in calories and fats that aren’t good for you.

Any pasta or baked goods should be made from whole grains. Avoid sugary snacks and pastries as well. An apple is good for you, an apple pie really isn’t.

Shop for lean meats and don’t forget the fish. The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in ocean fish are often deficient in our diets, so serve seafood two or three times per week. Baked fish and chicken are healthier than fried, and lean meats like bison or venison may be healthier than higher fat beef.
Processed lunch meats, hot dogs, bacon, and sausages have a lot of saturated fat and nitrates in them you don’t want in your body. If you love these meats, you can find healthier versions sold at health food stores.

Remember to eat a variety of foods to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.
Stick to water, milk and 100% fruit and vegetable juices as your main beverages and limit sugary soft drinks. If you get tired of plain water, add a slice of lemon or lime to add a touch of flavor. For kids, try some fruit juice jazzed up with carbonated water.

Unhealthy Foods
  • Battered and deep fried foods
  • Sugary sodas
  • Processed lunch meats
  • Greasy snack chips
  • White bread and refined pasta
  • Most canned spaghetti and ravioli
  • Sugary breakfast cereals
  • Frozen fried chicken, fish sticks and corn dogs
Healthy Foods
  • Green and brightly colored vegetables
  • Dark leafy greens and lettuce
  • Fresh fruits and berries
  • Lean turkey and chicken
  • Nuts, dried fruits and healthy snacks
  • Whole grain breads and pasta
  • Healthy cooking oils like canola and olive oils
  • Grass fed beef and bison
  • Cold water oily ocean fish
  • Low fat milk or soy beverages
  • Nuts, seeds, and legumes
Assess Your Lifestyle Once you learn which foods are good for you, you need to look at your eating habits. If the foods you eat are not healthy, you might want to work within your habits and current lifestyle conditions, since they are usually tough to change. Consider these questions, then read on for tips to help you add healthy foods:
  • Do you eat because you are bored, sad, or happy?
  • Do you snack in front of the TV without even giving it much thought?
  • Are most of your meals eaten at home or in restaurants?
  • How often do you eat fast food?
  • Do you like to cook?
  • How often do you grocery shop?
  • Do you skip breakfast or lunch, then overeat later in the day?
  • How big are the portions you consume?
  • Do you crave sweets?
  • Are there foods you won’t give up?
Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.

Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Almond Milk

1 Cup Almonds (soaked overnight)
3 Cups Water
4 Dates
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

Toss in blender, take cheese cloth & press through strainer into a bowl. Viola! Fresh homemade Almond Milk

Walnut Milk

Walnut Milk..........Cow milk's got nothing on this!

1 cup Walnuts (soaked overnight)
3 cup water
0.5 dates
1 tbsp fresh ground cinnamon (I buy the barks & put in grinder much fresher taste)

Put in blender, pour over strainer with cheese cloth, squeeze the walnut milk through the cloth, save the walnut pulp...make granola with it!

Stuffy Nose Remedy

Homemade Vapor Shower Disc

Baking soda
Essential oils: eucalyptus, rosemary, and lavender
Muffin tin
Muffin liners

1. Add 2-3 cups baking soda to a mixing bowl.
2. Slowly add enough water to make a thick paste that feels like a putty.
3. Add 15 drops of each essential oil.
4. Spoon into a muffin tin with a paper liner and let sit out for 12-18 hours.
5. Pop your disks out of the paper liner, put them in your shower, and let the essential oils steam away your stuffy nose.

51 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda

* Baking Soda, aka sodium bicarbonate, helps regulate PH—keeping a substance neither too acidic nor too alkaline. When baking soda comes in contact with either an acidic or an alkaline substance, it’s natural effect is to neutralize that pH. İt has the ability to retard further changes in the pH balance, known as buffering. ( You can drink 1 tea spoon Baking Soda with a cup of water for Your Body's Ph Balance )

** Besides showing kindness to aquatic life, we can also protect ourselves from the array of toxins in household cleaning products. Conventional cleansers can expose us to multiple chemicals linked to asthma, cancer, and other documented health problems.

*** Baking soda also makes a perfect stand-in for many personal care products, which are adding their own twist to the toxic tangle of pollutants and personal health (mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance (and it’s almost all synthetic), sodium laurel sulfate, and parabens).

Personal Care
1. Make Toothpaste
A paste made from baking soda and a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution can be used as an alternative to commercial non-fluoride toothpastes. (Or here’s a formula for a minty version.) You can also just dip your toothbrush with toothpaste into baking soda for an extra boost.

2. Freshen Your Mouth
Put one teaspoon in half a glass of water, swish, spit and rinse. Odors are neutralized, not just covered up.

3. Soak Oral Appliance
Soak oral appliances, like retainers, mouthpieces, and dentures, in a solution of 2 teaspoons baking soda dissolved in a glass or small bowl of warm water. The baking soda loosens food particles and neutralizes odors to keep appliances fresh. You can also brush appliances clean using baking soda.

4. Use as a Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliant
Give yourself an invigorating facial and body scrub. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate the skin. Rinse clean. This is gentle enough for daily use. (For a stronger exfoliant, try one of these great 5 Homemade Sugar Scrubs.)

5. Skip Harsh Deodorant
Pat baking soda onto your underarms to neutralize body odor.

6. Use as an Antacid
Baking soda is a safe and effective antacid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach and/or acid indigestion. Refer to baking soda package for instructions.

7. Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin
For insect bites, make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply as a salve onto affected skin. To ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after bath or shower. For specific tips on bee stings, see Bee Stings: Prevention and Treatment.

8. Make a Hand Cleanser and Softener
Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands with a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts baking soda to gentle liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean. You can try this honey and cornmeal scrub for hands too.

9. Help Your Hair
Vinegar is amazing for your hair, but baking soda has its place in the shower too. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly–baki
ng soda helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable.

10. Clean Brushes and Combs
For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. Rinse and allow to dry.

11. Make a Bath Soak
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft. Epsom salts are pretty miraculous for the bath too, read about the health benefits of epsom salt baths.

12. Soothe Your Feet
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a tub of warm water and soak feet. Gently scrub. You can also make a spa soak for your feet.


13. Make a Surface Soft Scrub
For safe, effective cleaning of bathroom tubs, tile and sinks–even fiberglass and glossy tiles–sprinkle baking soda lightly on a clean damp sponge and scrub as usual. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. For extra cleaning power, make a paste with baking soda, course salt and liquid dish soap—let it sit then scour off.

14. Handwash Dishes and Pots & Pans
Add 2 heaping tablespoons baking soda (along with your regular dish detergent) to the dish water to help cut grease and foods left on dishes, pots and pans. For cooked-on foods, let them soak in the baking soda and detergent with water first, then use dry baking soda on a clean damp sponge or cloth as a scratchless scouring powder. Using a dishwasher? Try these energy saving tips.

15. Freshen Sponges
Soak stale-smelling sponges in a strong baking soda solution to get rid of the mess (4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of warm water). For more thorough disinfecting, use the microwave.

16. Clean the Microwave
Baking soda on a clean damp sponge cleans gently inside and outside the microwave and never leaves a harsh chemical smell. Rinse well with water.

17. Polish Silver Flatware
Use a baking soda paste made with 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub onto the silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry for shining sterling and silver-plate serving pieces.

18. Clean Coffee and Tea Pots
Remove coffee and tea stains and eliminate bitter off-tastes by washing mugs and coffee makers in a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. For stubborn stains, try soaking overnight in the baking soda solution and detergent or scrubbing with baking soda on a clean damp sponge.

19. Clean the Oven
Sprinkle baking soda onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water to dampen the baking soda. Let sit overnight. In the morning, scrub, scoop the baking soda and grime out with a sponge, or vacuum, and rinse.

20. Clean Floors
Remove dirt and grime (without unwanted scratch marks) from no wax and tile floors using 1/2 cup baking soda in a bucket of warm water–mop and rinse clean for a sparkling floor. For scuff marks, use baking soda on a clean damp sponge, then rinse. Read Natural Floor Cleaning for more tips on avoiding toxic floor cleaners.

21. Clean Furniture
You can make a homemade lemon furniture polish, or you can clean and remove marks (even crayon) from walls and painted furniture by applying baking soda to a damp sponge and rubbing lightly. Wipe off with a clean, dry cloth.

22. Clean Shower Curtains
Clean and deodorize your vinyl shower curtain by sprinkling baking soda directly on a clean damp sponge or brush. Scrub the shower curtain and rinse clean. Hang it up to dry.

23. Boost Your Liquid Laundry Detergent
Give your laundry a boost by adding ½ cup of baking soda to your laundry to make liquid detergent work harder. A better balance of pH in the wash gets clothes cleaner, fresher, and brighter.

24. Gently Clean Baby Clothes
Baby skin requires the most gentle of cleansers, which are increasingly available, but odor and stain fighters are often harsh. For tough stains add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent, or a 1/2 cup in the rinse cycle for deodorization.

25. Clean Cloth Diapers
Dissolve ½ cup of baking soda in 2 quarts of water and soak diapers thoroughly.

26. Clean and Freshen Sports Gear
Use a baking soda solution (4 tablespoons Baking soda in 1 quart warm water) to clean and deodorize smelly sports equipment. Sprinkle baking soda into golf bags and gym bags to deodorize, clean golf irons (without scratching them!) with a baking soda paste (3 parts Baking sodato 1 part water) and a brush. Rinse thoroughly.

27. Remove Oil and Grease Stains
Use Baking soda to clean up light-duty oil and grease spills on your garage floor or in your driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush.

28. Clean Batteries
Baking soda can be used to neutralize battery acid corrosion on cars, mowers, etc. because its a mild alkali. Be sure to disconnect the battery terminals before cleaning. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, apply with a damp cloth to scrub corrosion from the battery terminal. After cleaning and re-connecting the terminals, wipe them with petroleum jelly to prevent future corrosion. Please be careful when working around a battery–they contain a strong acid.

29. Clean Cars
Use baking soda to clean your car lights, chrome, windows, tires, vinyl seats and floor mats without worrying about unwanted scratch marks. Use a baking soda solution of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water. Apply with a sponge or soft cloth to remove road grime, tree sap, bugs, and tar. For stubborn stains use baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge or soft brush. Here’s how Sustainable Dave washes his car.


30. Deodorize Your Refrigerator
Place an open box in the back of the fridge to neutralize odors.

31. Deodorize the Cutting Board
Sprinkle the cutting board with baking soda, scrub, rinse. For how to more thoroughly clean your cutting board, see How To Clean Your Cutting Boards.

32. Deodorize Trashcans
Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of your trashcan to keep stinky trash smells at bay.

33. Deodorize Recyclables
Sprinkle baking soda on top as you add to the container. Also, clean your recyclable container periodically by sprinkling baking soda on a damp sponge. Wipe clean and rinse. Learn about how to recycle everything.

34. Deodorize Drains
To deodorize your sink and tub drains, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water–it will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain. (This a good way to dispose of baking soda that is being retired from your refrigerator.) Do you know what you’re not supposed to put down your drains?

35. Deodorize and Clean Dishwashers
Use Baking soda to deodorize before you run the dishwasher and then as a gentle cleanser in the wash cycle.

36. Deodorize Garbage Disposals
To deodorize your disposal, and keep lingering odors from resurfacing, pour baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water. Baking Soda will neutralize both acid and basic odors for a fresh drain.

37. Deodorize Lunch Boxes
Between uses, place a spill-proof box of baking soda in everyone’s lunch box to absorb lingering odors. Read bout safe lunch boxes here.

38. Remove Odor from Carpets
liberally sprinkle baking soda on the carpet. Let set overnight, or as long as possible (the longer it sets the better it works). Sweep up the larger amounts of baking soda, and vacuum up the rest. (Note that your vacuum cleaner bag will get full and heavy.)

39. Remove Odor from Vacuum Cleaners
By using the method above for carpets, you will also deodorize your vacuum cleaner.

40. Freshen Closets
Place a box on the shelf to keep the closet smelling fresh, then follow these tips to organize your closet in an eco-friendly way.

41. Deodorizing Cars
Odors settle into car upholstery and carpet, so each time you step in and sit down, they are released into the air all over again. Eliminate these odors by sprinkling baking soda directly on fabric car seats and carpets. Wait 15 minutes (or longer for strong odors) and vacuum up the baking soda.

42. Deodorize the Cat Box
Cover the bottom of the pan with baking soda, then fill as usual with litter. To freshen between changes, sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter after a thorough cleaning. You can also use green tea for this purpose!

43. Deodorize Pet Bedding
Eliminate odors from your pets bedding by sprinkling liberally with baking soda, wait 15 minutes (or longer for stronger odors), then vacuum up.

44. Deodorize Sneakers
Keep odors from spreading in smelly sneakers by shaking baking soda into them when not in use. Shake out before wearing. When they’re no longer wearable, make sure to donate your old sneakers.

45. Freshen Linens
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle for fresher sheets and towels. You can also make homemade lavender linen water with this formula.

46. Deodorize Your Wash
Gym clothes of other odoriferous clothing can be neutralized with a ½ cup of baking soda in the rinse cycle.

47. Freshen Stuffed Animals
Keep favorite cuddly toys fresh with a dry shower of baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on and let it sit for 15 minutes before brushing off.


48. Camping Cure-all
Baking soda is a must-have for your next camping trip. Its a dish washer, pot scrubber, hand cleanser, deodorant, toothpaste ire extinguisher and many other uses.

49. Extinguish Fires
Baking soda can help in the initial handling of minor grease or electrical kitchen fires, because when baking soda is heated, it gives off carbon dioxide, which helps to smother the flames. For small cooking fires (frying pans, broilers, ovens, grills), turn off the gas or electricity if you can safely do so. Stand back and throw handfuls of baking soda at the base of the flame to help put out the fire–and call the Fire Department just to be safe. (And, you should have a fire extinguisher on hand anyway, here’s why.

50. Septic Care
Regular use of baking soda in your drains can help keep your septic system flowing freely. 1 cup of baking soda per week will help maintain a favorable pH in your septic tank.

51. Fruit and Vegetable Scrub
Baking soda is the food safe way to clean dirt and residue off fresh fruit and vegetables. Just sprinkle a little on a clean damp sponge, scrub and rinse. Here’s another way to clean your vegetables as well — —

Friday, August 10, 2012

4 ingredient protein bars

  • 10 dates, pitted
  • 1 cup nuts (I used walnuts)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder (raw is best nutritionally, but expensive)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
Put the nuts in a food processor and blend until crumbly like fresh bread crumbs. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until it begins to clump together. Scrape down the sides if necessary and repeat. Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap, parchment paper or wax paper. Press the mixture firmly into the pan and allow to cool in refrigerator to set.
In a hurry? Use the freezer. In a bigger hurry? Roll 2 Tbsp worth of mixture into a ball and eat. Repeat.
Now for substitutions, allergies, and budget friendly stuff.
Sub in 1 cup dried apricots, raisins or prunes for the dates. You’ll need to add a little honey since these are not as sweet as dates.
Allergy to nuts? Add seeds. Allergy to seeds and nuts? Use shredded coconut?
Don’t like chocolate? Use half a banana to add flavor.
Coconut oil too expensive? Use 2-3 Tbsp of nut butter like peanut butter or almond butter. Allergic to nuts? Use seed butter such as sunflower seed butter.
Bulk these babies up with dark chocolate chips, cranberries or seeds. Experiment and come up with a new flavor every time!


18-minute Chicken

1 med. onion, sliced
4 boneless chicken breast halves, skin removed
Salt and pepper
Dijon mustard
2 med. zucchini or yellow squash, sliced 1/4-inch thick
1/2 lb. mushrooms, sliced
3 tbsp. butter
3/4 tsp. basil leaves, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/8 tsp. paprika
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Tear off four 12x18-inch squares of heavy duty aluminum foil. Divide
ingredients into 4 parts on foil as follows: Place onion slices in center of
lower half of each sheet of foil. Place chicken over onions; season with
salt and pepper and spread lightly with mustard. Top with squash and
mushrooms. Season vegetables with salt and pepper. Dot with butter; sprinkle
with basil, garlic and paprika.
Fold top half of foil over food, meeting bottom edges of foil. Seal edges
together making a tight 1/2-inch fold. Fold again, allowing space for heat
circulation and expansion. Repeat to seal each side. Place foil packet on
cookie sheet. Bake 18 minutes in preheated 400 degree oven. Foil packet will
puff while cooking. To serve, transfer foil packet to dinner plate using pot
holder or oven mitts. Cut an X in top of packet; fold back foil. Top each
serving with cheese.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Snickerdoodle Blondies

You’d never believe that one of these irresistible blondies sets you back less than 75 calories. But it’s true! Made with fiber-rich chickpeas, the cinnamon-saturated bars have a moist, fudgy texture that’s nothing short of addictive.

1 1/2 c. (or 1 can) chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3 tbsp. nut butter (or other fat source)
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1-2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/8 tsp. baking soda
Heaping 1/8 tsp. salt
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tbsp. unsweetened applesauce
1/4 c. ground flax
2 and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Pinch cream of tartar and raisins (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend all ingredients until very smooth, and scoop into a greased (or tinfoil-lined) 8x8 in. pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes. You want the blondies to look a little undercooked when you take them out, because they’ll firm up as they cool.

Makes 15-20 squares.
Recipe provided by Chocolate-Covered Katie

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Broccoli Slaw Pasta

serves 2 as a main dish or 4 as a side
4 Points Plus per serving, give or take, dependent on cheese and sauce

You will need
Olive oil
One bag of broccoli slaw
Pasta sauce to taste (pour till it feels right)
Garlic to taste (1-2 tbsp)
salt and pepper
Your choice of cheese (I chose parmesan)
I start by pouring a wee bit of olive oil into my deep saucepan.

Okay, this is not a wee bit. I missed the “oil shot” the first time. I took half this oil out of the pan before I commenced my cooking.
Heat your oil on medium until it shimmers. Coat the pan, then dump your broccoli slaw in. Add garlic and salt and pepper to taste.

this is half a bag of broccoli slaw, as i was cooking for one. sidenote: cut it out with the red cabbage, bagged salad makers! irritating
Stir until it all glistens with oily goodness. Cover your saucepan and let your broccoli slaw soften for about five minutes–you want these a little softer than al dente.
It will turn a fabulous green color. I love how broccoli does this.

picture does no justice
When softened, add your sauce. Yeah I use Hunt’s No Added Sugar Pasta Sauce from a can. No shame.

Then stir.

Then let it heat up a bit more. Finally, turn off the heat and add your cheese.

check out that money shot!
Stir and serve hot.

The possibilities are endless for broccoli slaw. For a spicy side veg, mix it with salsa verde or regular salsa. Mango salsa would also work.

I recently saw this recipe on Skinnytaste for Buffalo Turkey Burgers with Blue Cheese Broccoli Slaw. I’m getting on that real quick.

You can also put it on top of burgers or sandwiches raw for a nice crunch, or add it to salads for extra veggie power. Try it–you might like it.


Paleo No Oat Oatmeal

2 servings

  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • 1/4 cup pecans
  • 2 Tbs ground flax seed
  • 1/2–1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • dash of freshly ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 Tbs almond butter
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (add more if desired)
  • 2 tsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 handful of fresh berries (optional)


  1. Add walnuts, pecans, flax seed and spices to a food processor and pulse mixture to a course grain (make sure to stop before it is ground into a powder). Set aside.
  2. Whisk together eggs and almond milk until the consistency thickens and becomes a loose custard.
  3. Thoroughly blend the mashed banana and almond butter together and add it to the custard, mixing well.
  4. Stir in the course nut mixture.
  5. In a medium saucepan, warm the mixture on the stove until the “no-oatmeal” reaches the desired consistency; this should only take a few minutes. Stir frequently.
  6. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds and berries on top. Add more almond milk if desired.