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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

Healthy Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake

Inspired by this recipe on Chocolate Covered Katie

Makes ~3 servings

3 medium or large frozen* bananas

1 1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, lightly packed, or to taste (I thought this was just right, but start with less if you prefer and add to your preference)

1/4 cup semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips or I used Organic Trader Joe's Unsweetened Cocoa powder

*To freeze bananas, simply peel the banana and place it in the freezer in a plastic bag or glass container.

Coarsely chop your mint leaves and cut your bananas into small chunks. Put the almond milk, bananas, milk, and mint leaves in a blender. Blend until smooth. I tried not to make it completely smooth because I enjoy the small chocolate chip pieces. You decide how smooth you want it! Serve immediately.

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