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Thursday, April 26, 2012

7 Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Ways to lose weight naturally

Losing weight naturally is something we all want to do, but many of us lack the knowledge and discipline in order to accomplish this task. When someone first thinks of weight loss, they think of diet pills and trying to become a weekend hero at the gym. This is not going to help you accomplish anything except killing yourself fast, possibly injuring some muscles, putting yourself in the bed for the entire weekend, and setting yourself up to gain the weight back after you have possibly lost some weight from diet pills. It’s best to try and lose weight naturally whenever you start to diet.

1. Juice Fasting For Natural Weight Loss

Juice Fasting may be one of the oldest ways and tricks in the book to lose weight, but it still works today. There is really only one downfall to trying juice fasting and that is paying a lot of money for fruit. Juicers are fairly inexpensive today, so no large cost or out-of-pocket expense will be there. A few different ingredients that you can consider using for your juice fasting should be cabbage, asparagus, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, cranberries, carrot’s and some honey.

Use these many different fruit and vegetable combinations to create some excellent and tasty juices for you in order to lose weight. You can get started on this immediately by visiting Wal-Mart and picking up a few different groups you enjoy and a $49 juicer.

2. Drink Water In The Morning First Thing

Your body is dehydrated when it first wakes up in the morning, so make sure you drink water whenever you first wake up. This will immediately start the metabolism of the body to help burn some fat. Since your stomach will be empty, burning fat and increasing your metabolism will basically happen on its own.

In case you want to skip drinking water because you don’t like the taste, you can consider some green tea without any sugar. Green tea is an excellent fat burner and will help you lose weight, which you can drink all throughout the day, but especially in the morning in order to help jump-start your metabolism.

3. Do 15 Minutes Of Cardio First Thing In The Morning

If you do 15 minutes of light to medium cardio workout in the morning when you first wake up, you’re going to jumpstart your metabolism even more whenever you combine it with drinking 16 ounces of water. This is one of the best ways that has proven to help burn belly fat and get weight off quickly. It is also a great way to increase your heart rate and keep your body healthy at the same time while you lose weight. So do yourself a favor and put on your favorite song, grab your favorite workout video or enjoy a morning walk for 15 minutes to get your heart rate going.

4. Use Herbs That Help Burn Fat Naturally

There are many different herbs that you can consider using to help you lose weight quickly. These are all natural herbs that are proven to help reduce belly fat and cellulite. Some herbs to consider our cinnamon, flax seeds, red pepper, turmeric, partially, dandelion root extract and cayenne. Many of these herbs are available at your local grocery store or supermarket for $2-$4, which is one of the cheapest ways that you can make your food tasty and help lose weight naturally at the same time.

5. Eat Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

A great way to naturally lose weight is to eat foods that are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. This way, the body is getting the exact food at once without all of the fat and sugar. On top of this, your body and stomach will feel the sensation of being full, which means you won’t even feel hungry. Some great snacks to consider are grapes, a little bit of almonds or non-salted cashews, Apples, low-fat yogurt, popcorn and even a few high protein bars.

6. Drink Tea, A lot Of It

Green tea, black tea, to long tea, Ginger tea, and dandelion tea and many other types of tea’s have been proven to help lose weight immediately whenever you drink. The fact is that whenever you drink tea, the fact oxidation process starts within your body. It increases your metabolism and helps the fat to burn naturally. Tea also helps with the digestion process, which aids in weight loss.

7. Eats LOTS of Fiber

Eating a lot of fiber in your diet will help you maintain a healthy and regular bowel movement. This is very important in losing weight since you do not want your colon clogged up with nasty stuff. Going to the bathroom and having regular bowel movements on a regular basis has been proven to help with weight loss. Some great ways to get some extra fiber are eagle out of wheat, whole grains, and fruits such as pears that are very high in dietary fiber.

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