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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Olive Oil Lemon Juice Cleanse Directions

The value of a digestive system "cleanse" to detoxify the body is controversial, but anecdotal evidence suggests that a short-term cleanse does have benefits in general well-being. One popular detox cleansing drink is the olive oil and lemon juice cleanse. Designed to clean out the liver and gallbladder, this cleanse should be done during a two- to three-day period when you have few obligations, because you'll need to stay close to a bathroom. It's best to begin the cleanse in the morning.

Step 1

Wash the lemons thoroughly. Roll them between your palms or along a counter or tabletop to soften them.

Step 2

Cut the lemons in half cross-wise and squeeze the juice out. A hand-juicer is the easiest way to do this.

Step 3

Pour the juice through a mesh strainer and into your blender. Stop when you have 6 to 8 oz. of fresh juice.

Step 4

Add 1 tbsp. of extra-virgin olive oil. The measurement doesn't have to be exact; you can use a regular spoon if you don't have measuring spoons.

Step 5

Pour 8 oz. of water into the blender with the olive oil and lemon juice, then whirl it until the oil, juice and water are well-blended.

Step 6

Drink the mixture immediately, or it will separate. Make a second batch in the evening, and do not eat anything solid throughout the day. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea and vegetable broth if you get hungry.

Tips and Warnings

  • Prepare your body for the cleanse by eating and drinking only apples and unfiltered apple juice for 24 hours before your olive oil and lemon juice cleanse. Add 1 clove of raw garlic and 1/2 of a peeled and seeded red grapefruit to your cleanse for a little extra vitamin C and fiber.
  • Don't eat anything other than raw vegetables, fruit and organic juices for at least 24 hours after your cleanse.

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