- Meals that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol contain empty calories that have no place in a weight loss plan. Any meal that is created with these substrates should be avoided. Preparing meals without butter, cream, heavy amounts of cheese and high calorie sauces is one step in the right direction. Foods cooked in olive oil are healthier because olive oil does not break down and become hydrogenated.
- Fiber has many health benefits. It promotes regularity, it stabilizes blood sugar levels, and it reduces the risk factors for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Fiber creates a full feeling in the stomach, helping you to feel satisfied for longer periods of time. This also leads to fewer overall calories being consumed. Foods that are high in fiber include whole wheat pasta, peas, lentils, oat bran, broccoli, barley and raspberries. All fruits and vegetables have at least some fiber and are good choices to make when trying to lose weight.
- Protein is one of the three macronutrients and it has a high thermic effect when it is eaten. This means that the body has to burn a higher amount of calories to break it down than it does for fat and carbs. A good meal would have the inclusion of protein in it, but not just any protein. Some proteins are high in saturated fat like red meat and whole fat dairy products. Some better choices are lean meats, chicken breast, fish, nuts, seeds, and low-fat dairy products.
- Eating high amounts of refined carbohydrates, especially by themselves, can cause sharp increases in blood sugar levels. This in turn will cause the pancreas to release insulin to stabilize these elevated levels. Insulin is a fat storage hormone that can lead to weight gain. These types of bad carbohydrates, also called "simple carbs," are high in the glycemic index (GI). The GI is a chart that shows you how fast a carbohydrate will raise your blood sugar levels. It goes from 0 to 100 and the higher it is, the faster it will spike blood sugar. The best choices of carbs are the ones that are low on the GI, which are also called "complex carbs." Some examples of these are multigrain bread, all-bran, rice, yogurt, grapefruit, pears, carrots, and apples.
- To increase metabolism, meals should be small, balanced and eaten every two to three hours. By eating small meals spaced properly, your body gets enough food for fuel and there are no excess calories to be stored as fat. The reason metabolism rises is because every time you eat a meal, the body burns calories to digest the food. Some good, healthy, balanced meals include protein, fiber, and complex carbs. Some examples are oatmeal with low-fat milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter, a baked chicken breast with steamed broccoli and brown rice, celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, broiled haddock with a yam and carrots, a salad topped with salmon and loaded with fresh vegetables, a turkey sandwich made with multigrain bread and split pea soup with a piece of corn bread.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles
Makes 6 servings
Yogurt Popsicles
1 cup fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
2 cups plain yogurt
1/4 cup honey
1. 1. Combine strawberries, yogurt and honey in a medium bowl.
2. 2. Put into 6 oz paper cups and freeze for 20 minutes.
3. 3. Add sticks and freeze until firm.
4. 4. Peel off cup before eating.
Suggestions to help on your weightloss journey
Healthy ways to season your food!

To season foods, choose lemon or lime juice, vinegar, low-sodium soy sauce, plain tomato sauce, salsa and other sauces low in fat, or mustard. Use garlic, onions, ginger, and herbs and spices to flavor foods.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Salad with Blueberry Vinaigrette

- 1/4 cup fresh lime or lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon honey or sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup fresh blueberries, divided
- 1/4 cup plain yogurt
- 2 tablespoons olive or canola oil
A few grinds of pepper
Clean the greens and spin or blot dry.
Mix together lime or lemon juice, honey and salt. Mash 1/2 cup blueberries into the juice and honey mixture. Stir in yogurt, pepper and oil. Taste for seasoning.
Dress salad just before serving: divide greens onto 4 large salad plates, spoon dressing over and scatter reserved blueberries on top.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Delicious and mouthwatering!

We used a Boboli Whole Wheat Crust.
Red Pepper
Green Pepper
A couple pieces of Turkey Pepperoni
Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese
Classico Sweet Basil Sauce
Oh my gosh! I haven't had pizza in over 4 months. Probably about 5 months, because all of the pizza places around here do not have a whole wheat pizza crust pizza. It's nice to make it yourself....you know exactly what's on it! This was soooo delicious!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
27 Ideas for a Healthier Breakfast
- A bowl of high-fiber, multigrain cereal, lots of strawberries, and low-fat milk on top.
- A granola bar, an apple, and a cold glass of milk.
- A cup of nonfat yogurt, fresh blueberries mixed in, and a slice of whole wheat toast with a fruit spread on top.
- A mini whole wheat bagel, spread lightly with cream cheese and jam; a peach; and a cup of yogurt.
- A scrambled egg, a whole wheat roll, fresh fruit salad, and a cup of low-fat milk.
- A low-fat muffin, a wedge of cantaloupe, and a cup of latte made with skim milk.
2. Have a bowl of sweetened brown rice. Consider it a takeoff on prepared cereal. Brown rice is full of energy-providing B vitamins, as well as a great source of filling fiber. Cook the rice the night before, then in the morning, put it in a bowl with a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins, a cut-up apple, and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a unique yet delicious treat. Don't like rice? Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet.
3. Pour a cup of fruit smoothie. Simply whir a cup of strawberries and a banana in the blender, add a scoop of protein powder and a cup of crushed ice, and you've got a healthy, on-the-go breakfast filled with antioxidants. Toss in a cup of plain yogurt, and you've just added a bone-strengthening dose of calcium. An added bonus: You've just crossed three of your daily fruit servings off the list.
4. Use organic eggs. They're not much more expensive than regular eggs but are much higher in all-important omega-3 fatty acids, shown to benefit everything from your mental health (reducing risk of depression) to your heart health (reducing risk of atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation), says Fred Pescatore, M.D., author of The Hamptons Diet and a physician at Partners in Integrative Medicine in New York City.
5. Sprinkle on a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds. It could be over your cereal, over your yogurt, over your smoothie, or over your eggs. Next to fish and organic eggs, flaxseeds are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
6. Use Benecol, Take Control, or Smart Balance instead of butter. These newly developed soft food spreads contain heart-healthy plant stanols. Just 2 tablespoons daily can significantly lower your total cholesterol level.
7. Have lunch for breakfast. Instead of butter or cream cheese, top your morning (whole wheat) toast with 2 tablespoons tuna prepared with low-fat mayonnaise. The tuna is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and an excellent source of energy-boosting protein. For the same healthy boost with a bit of variety, try lox or canned or smoked salmon (they also seem to go better at breakfast).
8. Sprinkle a whole wheat burrito with 2 ounces grated, low-fat cheddar cheese and broil for 3 minutes. While it's cooking, peel and eat an orange for valuable vitamin C. In this one small, quick meal, you're getting vitamin C and other antioxidants, calcium, fiber, and enough appetite-satisfying protein to sustain you for hours.
9. Make your own granola. Most store-bought brands are filled with sugar and fat. To make your own, mix 2 cups rolled oats with 1 cup dried fruits and seeds and a little brown sugar. Toast 3-5 minutes in a warm oven and store in an airtight container. Not interested in do-it-yourself? There are a few store-bought brands with reasonable sugar and fat levels, including Nature's Path and Familia.
10. Pour a bowlful of Kashi GOLEAN Crunch! With 10 grams of fiber, it will put you well on your way to the 25-30 grams of fiber you should be eating every day. Plus, studies find that people who regularly start their day with a bowl of cold cereal get more fiber and calcium, but less fat, than those who breakfast on other foods. Another study found that people who ate two bowlfuls of high-fiber cereal every day spontaneously cut the amount of fat they ate by 10 percent. Don't like Kashi? Other high-fiber cereals include Raisin Bran, Multi-Bran Chex and Wheat 'N Bran Spoon Size (8 grams), Kellogg's All-Bran Original (10 grams), and General Mills Fiber One (14 grams).
11. Eat half a grapefruit twice a week. Grapefruits are loaded with folate, found to significantly reduce the risk of stroke. However, be cautious if you're taking regular medications. Grapefruit and its juice can interact with medications that have to be processed through the liver. Check with your doctor about any possible interactions between grapefruit and any medications you're taking.
12. Sip a cup of green tea with your breakfast. In addition to its heart-protective benefits, green tea may also have some weight-loss benefits, with one study finding it appears to raise the rate at which you burn calories and speed the rate at which your body uses fat.
13. Top your cereal with soy milk. Packed with potent phytoestrogens, soy has been credited with everything from protecting your heart to promoting stronger bones. But make sure that it's fortified with calcium; otherwise you're missing a great opportunity to get some bone-building calcium.
14. Host the breakfast equivalent of "build your own sundae." Who says breakfast has to be boring? Choose a selection of sliced fruit, yogurt, whole grain cereals, and/or whole grain pancakes or toast, and let everyone mix and match to create their own toppings. Lay everything out on paper plates (for easy cleanup).
15. Add a vitamin. Take any and all supplements with breakfast, suggests nutrition expert Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., author of The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book. Taking supplements with food reduces the chance they'll upset your stomach, and improves the absorption of minerals.
16. Spread apple slices with peanut butter. The protein and fat in the peanut butter provide a good start to the day, while the apple and the quercetin it contains provide fiber and protection against some cancers and heart disease.
17. Have a breakfast sandwich. Top a whole wheat English muffin with melted low-fat cheese (part- skim mozzarella is a good choice), a sliced tomato, and a sliced, hard-boiled egg.
18. Crush cold cereal in a Baggie, add a peeled banana, and coat with the cereal. Voilà! Breakfast on a banana (as well as a healthy dose of potassium, beneficial in preventing strokes).
19. Hit the vegetarian section of the grocery. Soy bacon and sausage, gardenburgers, and soy crumbles make great sources of protein for breakfast without the saturated fat of their meat originals.
20. Make a blob. From nutritionist Alana Unger, R.D., of The Lifestyle Center in Visalia, California, comes this sounds-weird-but-tastes-great idea for an on-the-go breakfast. Mix 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk, 3 cups crushed flake cereal, and 2 tablespoons honey. Form into "blobs" (should make 10 blobs). Wrap each blob in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Grab a couple with a travel cup of skim milk and go!
21. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of blueberries on your cereal. Studies find the tiny purple berries are loaded with valuable antioxidants that can slow brain aging and protect your memory. Not into cereal? Try baking blueberries into oatmeal to create your own oatmeal-blueberry granola bar, or mixing them into whole wheat pancake or waffle batter.
22. Drink three cups of unsweetened orange juice every morning. The vitamin C in OJ not only boosts your immunity, but also improves your cholesterol levels. One study found that drinking three glasses of orange juice a day for four weeks raised levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, by 21 percent. If three cups is too much for you, substitute a couple of oranges. For the best effect, make it calcium-fortified juice.
23. Eat a bowl of sliced strawberries three times a week. Loaded with vitamin C, strawberries have numerous health benefits, one of them being protection for your eyes. One study of 247 women found that those taking vitamin C supplements were 75 percent less likely to get cataracts than those who didn't take it. It's better, though, to get your vitamin C from food. Other health benefits packed into berries: They're rich in a wide variety of antioxidants, low in calories, and even have a low glycemic index (shown to better maintain steady blood sugar levels).
24. Slice two kiwifruits into your morning smoothie. You may have just reduced your risk of premature death by as much as 30 percent, since a British study found that every ounce of vitamin C-laden fruits you eat a day reduces your risk of premature death 10 percent. Want an even easier way to eat a kiwi? Just slice the top off and scoop out bitefuls with a teaspoon. It's delicious, fun, and fast.
25. Get at least five grams of fiber during breakfast each morning. If you don't get off to a good start with your daily fiber intake, you'll never reach the recommended amount (15-25 grams per 1,000 calories). Plus, fiber is quite filling with no extra cost in calories. You can get those five grams in just a few bites with a large raw apple, 1/2 cup of the high-fiber cereals mentioned earlier, 1/2 cup of blackberries, or two slices of dark, whole grain rye bread.
26. Choose these toppers for your (whole wheat) bagel or toast:
- Two tablespoons nonfat cottage cheese sprinkled with flaxseed
- One slice low-fat cheese melted over a slice of mango
- Two tablespoons soy butter with a sliced banana
- One slice baked ham and one sliced tomato
27. Shave one ounce of dark chocolate over a cup of nonfat yogurt. Mix. The calcium-rich yogurt can actually help in your efforts to lose weight, while the antioxidant-loaded dark chocolate can help reduce the stickiness of "bad" LDL cholesterol and keep your arteries more pliable. Plus, who can resist starting the day with chocolate?
Breakfast Burrito
Whole Wheat-Tortilla Wrap
1/2 Cup Raw Egg-Whites
1 Cup Chopped Spinach
3 Cherry Tomatoes Sliced
1 oz. Skim Milk Mozzarella
Salsa (to taste)
Turn on a pan, and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Measure out 1/2 cup of egg-whites and pour in pan. Add spinach and tomatoes and scramble it up. Stick the tortilla in the microwave, simultaneously heat a tortilla. Top the tortilla with 1 oz cheese and heat it to melting, top with egg-white scramble and top with salsa.
Friday, August 21, 2009
12 amazing power foods to build muscle and burn fat!
If you add these 12 power foods into your daily diet, your body will work effectively to build lean muscle mass and burn fat more efficiently.
Not only will these super foods build muscle and promote weight loss - it will strengthen your bones, lower blood pressure, fight cancer, improve your immune function and fight against heart disease.
No matter what age you are, here are the 12 power foods to build muscle and burn fat (and keep you healthy for life)-
1) Non salted or smoked Almonds and other nuts
- Also great for controlling carvings
- Eat with skin intact
2) Beans and other legumes (including soybeans, chickpeas, pinot beans, navy beans, kidney beans and lima beans)
- Also helps to regulate digestion
- Avoid refried beans (high in saturated fats) and baked beans (high in sugar)
3) Spinach and other green vegetables
- Also helps to fight the molecules that accelerates the aging process
- Avoid frying vegetables and adding fatty cheese sauces
4) Fat free or low fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese
- Also build strong bones
- Avoid whole milk and frozen yogurt
5) unflavored, unsweetened oatmeal
- Great for energy, and fights against cholesterol and maintaining blood sugar levels
- Avoid flavored cereals
6) Eggs
- Eggs has the highest levels of protein of any food
- Protein in eggs are more effective for building muscle than any other protein from other sources, including milk and beef
- Contains vitamin B12, which helps to breakdown fat
7) Turkey and lean steak, chicken, fish
- Also improves the immune system
- No sausage, bacon, cured meats, ham, fatty cuts of steak like T-bone and rib eye
8) All natural, sugar free peanut butter
- Also boosts testosterone
9) Olive Oil
- Lowers cholesterol and boosts your immune system
- Avoid vegetable and hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fatty acids, margarine
10) Whole Grain Breads and Cereals
- Stops the body from storing fat
- Avoid processed or refined carbs such as white bread, bagels, doughnuts and pasta made from white flour
11) Extra Protein Whey powder
- No soy protein
12) Raspberries and Other Berries
- Great for protecting your heart, improving your eye sight and memory, preventing cravings
- No sweetened jellies
Each of these healthy foods and weight loss boosters will keep you full longer on less calories.
And the best part is they all taste really good.
As a guideline, consider eating 3 standard meals and 3 smaller meals - add two or three of these foods into your three major meals and at least one of the foods into your snacks.
Do this along with exercise, you will build muscle and burn fat to keep you healthy!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What have I been doing?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Homemade Larabars Recipes

1/4 cup walnuts
2 Tablespoons natural peanut butter
1 Tablespoon honey
1/2 cup oats
1 Teaspoon cinnamon
Combine all ingredients except the oats in the food processor. Process about 2 1/2 minutes.
Add in the oats and pulse 4-5 times.
Form the dough into bars and wrap each bar in a piece of plastic wrap. Store in the fridge.
Number of Servings: 8
Suggestions on what to put in your larabar:
- Pistachio (ingredients: dates, pistachios, cashews)
- Cinnamon Roll (ingredients: dates, walnuts, almonds, raisins, cashews, cinnamon)
- Lemon Bar (dates, cashews, almonds, lemon juice concentrate, natural lemon flavor)
- Key Lime Pie (ingredients: dates, cashews, almonds, unsweetened coconut, lime juice concentrate)
OH MY! Best breakfast!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Eggplant Parmesan Casserole....YUMMMMMY!

I've heard from a few people that eggplant has no taste. Well...let me tell you....this dish was soooooooooo delicious! WOW! I actually put it on top of my salmon.
- 1 med. size eggplant-peeled and cubed
1 large can(28oz) diced tomatoes
3 cloves of Fresh Garlic
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
2 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese
Some pepper jack cheese cut into small pieces
Mexican cheese lightly sprinkled on top
onions (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
Combine garlic, onion and Italian seasoning in a skillet with a little water and saute until the garlic and onion is tender. Add the peeled and cubed eggplant and saute a little longer until eggplant is tender. Then stir in salt, pepper and diced tomatoes until heated through. Place ingredients into a baking dish. Mix in the parmesan cheese. Sprinkle the reduced cheese blend on top and bake at 350 for about 20 mins. (until the cheese is melted). Serves about 4-1 cup servings. Allow to cool a few minutes before serving. For a main entree, you can add ground beef. It also tastes good on pasta. I'm sure there are many ways to vary this dish.
Number of Servings: 4
Nutritional Info
* Servings Per Recipe: 4
* Amount Per Serving
* Calories: 126.3
* Total Fat: 3.3 g
* Cholesterol: 7.0 mg
* Total Carbs: 18.3 g
* Dietary Fiber: 6.5 g
* Protein: 8.0 g
I made the Chocolate-berry Quesadilla

I used the whole wheat tortilla wrap.
Cut up a banana and strawberry.
Cinnamon sprinkled all over it too!
First I put it in a pan and heated it for 1 minute on each side.
Then i put some banana inside.
Then I heated it for 30 more secs in the pan.
I melted a few dark chocolate Choc. Chips and drizzled that on top
And sprinkled cinnamon all over and added a little more banana and a couple strawberries!
Monday, August 17, 2009
A healthy snack

Emerald® Cocoa Roast™ Almonds combine the goodness of nuts with the chocolate flavor you crave, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth in a nutritious way. These premium almonds are oven-roasted for flavor and crunch, and slightly sweetened with hint of dark chocolate-flavored cocoa powder.
Each serving of Emerald® Cocoa Roast™ Almonds provides you with a good source of protein and is also a low-sodium snack. One serving is only 150 calories — about the same number of calories as a serving of regular almonds!
They sell these at Sam's Club! I just found out!
5 Rules to Live By for Easy Slimming,
By Selene Yeager , Selene Yeager is a contributing editor to Prevention.
1. Snack on almonds
When salty cravings strike, bypass the pretzels or popcorn. In a study of 65 men and women who were following a low-calorie diet, California researchers found that those who noshed on the nuts shrank their waistlines nearly 50% more than dieters who didn't eat them, despite consuming the same number of calories. Likewise, Spanish researchers found that even without increasing exercise, a diet enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids (aka MUFAs, found in foods such as almonds and avocados) decreased the accumulation of abdominal fat compared with a carb-heavy diet, which increased it.
2. Fill up on fiber
"When you slow digestion, you slow the delivery of glucose [blood sugar] to the bloodstream," says Marie Savard, MD, author of The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness. "That means less insulin is released, and with lower insulin release comes lower visceral [belly] fat storage." In a study of more than 2,900 adults, those who ate the most fiber weighed less and had lower insulin levels and slimmer waistlines than those who ate the least. Aim for at least 25 g a day from such foods as vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, brown rice, and whole grain bread, cereal, and pasta.
3. Stay satisfied with protein
Gram for gram, protein has the same number of calories as carbs (and half that of fat), but takes longer to digest, so you feel full longer. It also seems to help lower levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is known to stimulate appetite. In a Danish study of 60 men and women, those following a diet that included 25% of calories from protein lost nearly twice as much fat after 6 months than those eating a diet with 12% protein. Include a serving of lean protein with each meal and snack--eggs for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, low-fat or fat-free yogurt or milk for a snack, and grilled fish and vegetables for dinner.
4. Skip the sweetener
In a 5-week study by Purdue University researchers, rats given unlimited access to artificially sweetened yogurt consumed more calories, gained more weight, and packed on more fat than those that ate sugar-sweetened yogurt. Researchers believe artificial sweeteners may hinder your body's ability to regulate calories based on taste, so you end up overeating. Go with a little bit of natural sweetener, such as raw sugar or honey, instead.
5. Dump one high-cal item from your diet
Exercise works best when you don't offset your hard work with empty calories. By eliminating just one high-calorie item from your daily diet, such as a large latte, or substituting cereal and low-fat milk for a bagel and cream cheese, you can easily reduce your intake by 250 calories. Combine that with one of our walking plans and you can drop between 35 and 50 pounds in a year!
Hunger-Fighting Foods
Find out the fiber content and other nutritional info of all your favorite foods at prevention.com/fiberup. Want to blast fat even faster? Try our "Walk Off More Belly Fat!" workout.
Chocolate-Almond Macaroons

Some macaroons blur the line between candy and cookie, but with the addition of ground almonds, these indulgences are even more satisfying.
TIME: 50 minutes
3/4 c blanched almonds (MUFA)
1/2 c sugar substitute, divided
4 egg whites
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/4 tsp salt
1. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.
2. Toast the almonds in a large deep skillet over medium heat, stirring often, for about 3 minutes or until golden. Tip into the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Process until the almonds are finely ground.
4. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer on high speed until the whites hold soft peaks. Gradually beat in the remaining sugar until the whites hold stiff peaks. Beat in the cocoa, vanilla extract, almond extract, and salt. Gently fold in the almonds.
5. Drop the mixture by rounded tablespoons onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving 1" between each macaroon. Bake for 27 to 30 minutes or until very lightly browned. Place baking sheets on a rack and let macaroons cool until firm.
Nutrition Info Per Serving (5 cookies): 193 calories, 7 g protein, 22 g carbohydrates, 10 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 140 mg sodium, 3 g fiber
Chocolate Zucchini Snack Cake

Allowing the chips to melt on a warm cake results in a lovely chocolate spread that helps this otherwise lean cake stay moist.
TIME: 45 minutes
1 and 3/4 c whole wheat pastry flour
1 and 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 c Natural Sweetener
1/2 c low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/3 c canola oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 c shredded zucchini
3 c semisweet chocolate chips, divided (MUFA)
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Coat an 11" x 8" baking pan with cooking spray.
2. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.
3. Whisk the eggs, sugar, yogurt, oil, and vanilla extract in a medium bowl. Whisk in the zucchini and 11/2 cups of the chips. Stir into the flour mixture just until blended. Spread into the prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned and a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
4. Remove from the oven and sprinkle the remaining 1 1/2 cups chips over the cake. Spread with a small spatula as they melt to form an icing, placing back into the warm oven, if needed, for about 1 minute.
Nutrition Info Per Serving (1/12 of cake): 361 Cal, 5 g pro, 47 g carbs, 17 g fat, 4 g fiber, 175 mg sodium
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Chocolate-berry Quesadilla

TIME: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
1 whole wheat tortilla (8" diameter)
1/4 c chopped semisweet chocolate chips (MUFA)
1 Tbsp dried unsweetened cranberries
1. Place a skillet over medium-high heat. Place the tortilla in the pan.
2. Toast for 1 minute on each side or until warm but still pliable.
3. Sprinkle on the chips and cranberries. Dust lightly with cinnamon.
4. Fold over like an omelet. Flip and cook for 30 seconds or until the chocolate starts to melt.
5. Cut into 4 wedges.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 332 Cal, 4 g pro, 54 g carbs, 14 g fat, 4 g fiber, 241 mg sodium
Success Story
For Sfeld4, popular weight loss programs didn't bring the results she wanted. She made the decision a few years back to finally take control of her weight and has since then lost 96 pounds by counting calories and incorporating daily exercise. Taking it slowly has certainly paid off, since now she is only four pounds away from her goal weight.
She contacted us through our Share Your Story feature, and provided the following answers to our questionnaire.
1. What made you decide to lose weight this time?
I was 45 years old, using a cane because my knees hurt so badly. Everything hurt. My neck, by back, my ego! I kept saying to myself (I guess my personal mantra): how will I know that my knees won't hurt at a lower weight if I don't reach that weight? I just kept saying it over and over.
2. What other "diets" (programs, products, plans, or services) had you tried in the past?
All of them: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Overeaters Anonymous, Nutrisystem, Biggest Loser, pills from the doctor, pills from over the counter, drops, and Atkins (which I'll never try again). Any program that doesn't allow fruit or salad (in my mind) is not right. After all, I didn't get fat eating fruit & salad!
3. What changes did you make to your usual diet, activity, lifestyle, and attitude?
I made three changes that really made the difference: 1) counting calories, 2) writing down my foods, 3) the "movement" factor (probably the most important change, especially after losing 30 lbs and then hitting a plateau). I kept my calories between 1200 and 1500 a day. I could eat anything I wanted as long as I knew the calories. Writing helped me stay within my calorie allowance and exercise allowed me to lose faster.
4. How did Calorie Count help you to lose weight?
What a wonderful site!! I started with Calorie Count to do just that - find out how many calories were in certain foods I was planning on eating. Then I subscribed to the newsletters and read the helpful tidbits about losing weight that frequently arrived in my Inbox. Calorie Count is the only site I needed to find out the nutrition of my foods.
5. What was most challenging about losing weight?
It is the hardest thing I've ever done! I think the most challenging was staying motivated when the weight wasn't coming off and knowing that I have been sticking with my program. I am losing very slowly, but it is also staying off. Also, I've never been an exercise person, but for the last 4 months I have been rising at 4:30 AM to do 30 minutes of basic/advanced step exercise before my day begins. That has been challenging.
6. How long did it take you to see results?
Well, let's see: in 2002 I was 296. In 2005 I was 255. In 2009 I am 202. I hate to say this, but 8 years I have been on this journey. It has not been all downhill. It is a process of learning, growing and understanding oneself. More importantly loving oneself. I am worth taking the extra time and effort to take care of me. I am worth weighing my foods and preparing them to help me lose weight.
7. When did you realize that you were a success?
I was in a plus-size clothing store recently and realized the smallest size they have is a size 16W and where do I shop when the 16W's are too big? This is going to happen shortly and I've never shopped elsewhere. So I went home and cleaned out my closet. I was going to remove anything that didn't fit and was too big. Now I have 3 shopping bags of work clothes between 18W and 24W that are just too big. I will be donating them.
8. How do you prevent relapse?
I often look at my weight log to see how far I have come. I talk to others who are also losing weight. If I do go off for a meal, I don't beat myself up. I don't wait for a new day, I start with my next meal. I make sure I am prepared with the proper foods in my house so that I don't just grab food.
9. How has your life changed now that you've lost weight?
It is amazing how different I feel. The biggest change is that I actually get up every morning at 4:30 and exercise for 30 minutes. People at work have come up to me and asked me how I've done it. I say the old-fashioned way: counting calories! I now buy clothes that I feel good in.
10. What five tips do you have for other dieters?
- Write down everything you eat.
- Count calories.
- Weigh yourself daily. I know people say not to do this, but If I don't weigh in, I could end up fooling myself.
- Drink water.
- Get moving. I started by doing one thing more than I would normally do on any given day. I started by walking the hallway at home (back/forth) once a day. That was it. Then I walked the hallway (back/forth) twice. Now I wear a pedometer and break 10,000 steps everyday. This still amazes me!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Calorie Count
Talk about easy. It only takes a few minutes to join and once you answer a few easy questions, your individual diet page is all ready to go. Just type in the foods you eat and the amount of exercise you do, and Calorie Count tells you how many calories you have eaten, or burned, and how healthy your diet is for the day.
I use Calorie Count a lot, and here is why I love it:
- The diet profile quiz helps you figure out what kind of an eater you are. Are you an emotional eater? An excessive eater? A strategist? Calorie Count has tips to help you change your eating habits to fit your dieting type.
- Almost every food you can eat and any activity under the sun is available in the databases. Even brand names and restaurant foods are available. Just browse or search and add to your daily food or activity log. For easy entry, you can tag the foods and meals you eat frequently -- awesome, fun and easy.
- You can pick your portion so it easy to choose the portion sizes you actually eat. It is so frustrating to use a book or a diet site that has ounces of peanuts when you just ate a quarter of a cup. Calorie Count makes it easy to choose your portion size -- no math required.
- The recipe analyzer might be the coolest tool on the site. Just how healthy is grandma's tuna casserole? Enter the ingredients and the number of servings and Calorie Count gives you the nutrition information per serving in the style of a Nutrition Facts food label and gives your recipe a grade of A through F.
- Join the Calorie Count community -- share the pain and share the joy. I know that dieting really isn't much fun. Sometimes it helps to share your experiences with other people going through the same thing. At Calorie Count, you can post messages on a forum or write your thoughts in a private daily journal. Or both.
You have your own home page where you can create a personal journal, photo gallery, links to you friends, tools to track your weight changes, and automatically track the threads you start and posts you make to the forums.
- You can get nutrition info on your phone. If you aren't next to your computer at lunch, you can still find out how many calories are in that bagel by looking it up on your cell phone.
- You have an eat meter and burn meter right on your account page or displayed on your Tool Bar to let you know instantly whether you are on track for your daily calorie counts.
- Calorie Count analyzes your diet for calories and nutrients. Hmm...dinner time and not enough fiber? Better eat more vegetables. Too much sodium? How about fresh fruit for dessert? Hold your cursor over the date for more information.
- It's free!
Superfoods that make you feel sexier
Eating healthy foods with lots of nutrients and antioxidants can help you feel (and look) more vibrant by keeping your skin and hair healthy. In addition, eating a healthy diet (and some exercise) helps to keep your body strong and fit. Whether you are a man or woman, beauty really does come from within.
Start with the basics -– eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, low-fat dairy, whole grains and a few good fats (and know how many calories you need every day). Then add these sexy superfoods, which are extra high in certain nutrients, to your healthy diet:
Non-fat Yogurt
Dairy products are rich in vitamin A that is important for beautiful skin, and calcium for strong bones and healthy hair. People who eat dairy products every day appear to have an easier time losing excess weight and keeping it off. Non-fat yogurt has all the benefits of dairy, plus the friendly bacteria found in yogurt are probiotics that help keep your digestive system working normally.Tip: Enjoy some plain non-fat yogurt mixed with fresh blueberries, chopped nuts and a little honey for additional protein and vitamins.
Citrus fruits contain lots of vitamin C. Eating an orange a day gives you all the vitamin C your body needs, plus it helps to increase absorption of iron from vegetables and legumes that your body needs for energy. Vitamin C also helps keep your skin beautiful by keeping the connective tissue under the skin strong, which helps to stave off wrinkles.Tip: Eat an orange every day as a healthy snack or drink orange juice with meals. And perhaps hand-feed a few slices to your significant other?
The beautiful pigments that give berries their colors also contain phytochemicals that boost the antioxidant activity in your skin, which may help you age more gracefully. Berries are also low in calories and rich in vitamin C and potassium.Tip: Make a fruit smoothie with a banana, plain yogurt, frozen blueberries, sliced strawberries and a splash of cranberry juice. Or dip a few fresh strawberries in dark chocolate for a romantic treat.
Fish contain essential fats and protein that are essential for healthy skin and hair. Salmon is especially high in omega-3 fatty acids that protect your skin from getting dry by keeping moisture in the skin cells.Tip: Go out for salmon sashimi at a romantic sushi restaurant, or grill a salmon steak at home.
Legendary as aphrodisiacs, oysters may live up to their sexy reputation. They’re rich in zinc, a mineral that's important for male sexual health, testosterone levels and sperm production. Zinc is also important for healthy hair and for your senses of taste and smell.Tip: Enjoy raw or cooked oysters as an appetizer. If you don't like oysters, you can get your zinc from beef, pork or lamb.
Black Beans
Legumes contain protein, iron and zinc. Black beans are also a good source of biotin, a B vitamin that's important for healthy skin and hair.Tip: Serve black beans as a side dish with dinner.
Nuts contain polyunsaturated fats, and walnuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid, the plant version of omega-3 fatty acids. They're also a good protein source and eating just a few walnuts helps to keep you feeling satisfied between meals. Some research studies have suggested that the phytochemicals in walnuts help keep the prostate healthy in older men.Tip: Eat a handful of walnuts with a fresh piece of fruit for an afternoon snack.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and a phytochemical called lycopene, a relative of vitamin A that helps keep a man's prostate healthy. Lycopene is thought to skin damage from too much sun exposure and getting adequate amounts of lycopene may help to keep your skin smooth and supple.Tip: Make tomato bisque and serve it with a fresh salad and crusty whole grain bread.
Dark Chocolate
You may believe that eating chocolate improves your mood, which may or may not be due to any of the chemicals in cocoa. Research isn't conclusive on that. However, dark chocolate does have a super power. The phytochemicals in dark chocolate improve blood flow to all the parts of your body, including the brain and the sexual organs, which is an important component of arousal.Tip: Enjoy one ounce of dark chocolate (not Dutch-processed) every night.
Although water isn't really a nutrient, it's important for your health –- your body contains a lot of water. Not only is water good for your insides, it's also important for smooth healthy skin. Plus water has no calories so it's perfect for watching your weight.Tip: Drink water with a slice of lemon or lime instead of sugary soft drinks.
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Menopause: Diet for Hot Flashes
Menopause: Diet for
Hot Flashes
Written by Gloria Tsang, RD
Published in September 2005
(HealthCastle.com) Hot flashes seem to be a personal experience for women experiencing various symptoms in menopause. Many women we talked to tried various diet remedies and supplements but results are often inconsistent. Let's look at some common diet solutions for hot flashes.
Menopause Diet for Hot Flashes |
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The Abs Diet....what is it?
Number of meal - Six a day, spaced relatively evenly throughout the day. Eat snacks 2 hours before larger meals.
The ABS DIET POWER 12 - Base most of your meals on these 12 groups of foods. Every meal should have at least two foods from the list.- Almonds and other nuts
Beans and pulses
Spinach and other green vegetables
Dairy (skimmed milk, fat free or low-fat yogurt and cheese)
Instant hot oat cereal (unsweetened, unflavored)
Turkey and other lean meat
Peanut butter
Olive oil
Wholegrain breads and cereals
Extra-protein (whey) powder
Raspberries and other berries
Secret weapons | **Each of the ABS DIET POWER 12 has been chosen in part for its stealthy, healthy secret weapon – the nutrients that will help power up your natural fat burners, protect you from illness and injury, and keep you lean and fit for life. |
Nutritional ingredients to emphasize | **Protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, calcium |
Nutritional ingredients to limit | **Refined carbohydrates (or carbs with high glycaemic index), saturated fats, trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, glucose syrup, and modified starch. |
Alcohol | **Limit yourself to two or three drinks per week, to maximize the benefits of the Abs Diet plan. |
Ultimate power food | **Smoothies. The combination of the calcium and protein in milk, yogurt, and whey powder, combined with the fiber in oats and fruit, makes them one of the more filling and easy options in the diet. Drink them regularly. |
Cheating | **One meal a week, eat anything you want. (I love this one for not being strict) |
Exercise program | **Optional for the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 to 6 incorporate a 20 minute, full-body workout 3 days a week. Emphasis is on strength training, brisk walking and some abdominal work. |
At-home workout | **Gym workouts and at-home workouts are both detailed to excuse-proof your fitness plan. |
Abdominal workout | **At the beginning of two of your strength-training workouts. One exercise for each of the five different parts of your abs. |