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Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Abs Diet....what is it?

the Abs Diet
This AT-A-GLANCE guide summarizes the principles of the Abs Diet: the 6-week plan to flatten your stomach and keep you lean for life.

Number of meal - Six a day, spaced relatively evenly throughout the day. Eat snacks 2 hours before larger meals.

The ABS DIET POWER 12 - Base most of your meals on these 12 groups of foods. Every meal should have at least two foods from the list.
    Almonds and other nuts
    eans and pulses
    pinach and other green vegetables

    Dairy (skimmed milk, fat free or low-fat yogurt and cheese)
    Instant hot oat cereal (unsweetened, unflavored)
    urkey and other lean meat

    Peanut butter
    Olive oil
    holegrain breads and cereals
    xtra-protein (whey) powder
    aspberries and other berries

Secret weapons

**Each of the ABS DIET POWER 12 has been chosen in part for its stealthy, healthy secret weapon – the nutrients that will help power up your natural fat burners, protect you from illness and injury, and keep you lean and fit for life.

Nutritional ingredients to emphasize

**Protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, calcium

Nutritional ingredients to limit

**Refined carbohydrates (or carbs with high glycaemic index), saturated fats, trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, glucose syrup, and modified starch.


**Limit yourself to two or three drinks per week, to maximize the benefits of the Abs Diet plan.

Ultimate power food

**Smoothies. The combination of the calcium and protein in milk, yogurt, and whey powder, combined with the fiber in oats and fruit, makes them one of the more filling and easy options in the diet. Drink them regularly.


**One meal a week, eat anything you want. (I love this one for not being strict)

Exercise program

**Optional for the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 to 6 incorporate a 20 minute, full-body workout 3 days a week. Emphasis is on strength training, brisk walking and some abdominal work.

At-home workout

**Gym workouts and at-home workouts are both detailed to excuse-proof your fitness plan.

Abdominal workout

**At the beginning of two of your strength-training workouts. One exercise for each of the five different parts of your abs.

To see the detailed diet plan and exercises for your abs, you may check the book by David Zinczencho.

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