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Friday, July 17, 2009

Update on G.I. Diet

I really do not consider the G.I. Diet a diet by any means...but a WOE (Way of eating).
I am very content and satisfied eating like this. I am no longer searching the internet for the perfect diet...I am sticking with this! My husband said to me yesterday that he is enjoying eating like this and he has lost a good 15 lbs without even exercising. He has had 3 surgeries on his left knee...the last one being a knee replacement. He is only 42. They want to do a knee replacement on his other knee too. So he lives with pain...but he can still control what he puts in his mouth.

We have to love ourselves enough to think about what we are putting into our mouths. Also....what i do...is when i eat a meal or a snack...I take small bites...chew it well and think about the taste, texture and smell of each bite. How many times have you eaten something...just shoveling it into your mouth without even thinking? I've done it...we all have. That's how we got to where we are right now. So the next time you eat...do what i mentioned above. I get full quicker too. I drink 24 ounces of water with my meals. I take a sip....then a bite...take a sip...then a bite! Good, easy way to get your water in for the day!

Make sure you are at least getting 8 (8 ounce) glasses of water each day!
If you work out.....you need to increase your water intake!

Have a great day!

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